Global One Health risks of livestock manure application Björn Berendsen Leo van Overbeek
Challenge ‘Healthy foods are not commonly available for all humans across the globe and availability differs at regional levels’ Fresco et al., 2015 Manure is essential as fertilizer for plant production and soil improvement
Trade off Manure contain ‘contaminants’ Residues of veterinary medicines antibiotics anthelmintics Resistant micro-organisms resistance genes mobile genetic elements Pathogenic micro-organisms bacteria viruses others
Consequences Antibiotics Anthelmithics Dissemination Food/ Feed Water Soil Impact Micro-organisms Soil processes Gut microbiome Insects Resistant micro-organisms Genetic exchanges mobilization via plasmids Antibiotic resistance Clinical impact Pathogens Human Health Impact Food (EHEC) Respiration (Q fever) Dissemination Food/ Feed Water Soil
Scope and aim Understanding major health risks on manure application Manure Storage Application Plant Production Feed ProductionFood Production Environment To propose risk mitigating strategies Animal Human health
Alterra CVI WLR FM (FBR) PPO- PRI LEI RIKILT Animal Environment Plant Society Chemical residues Food
Synergy Manure Environment Animal gut Plant production system Feed Food Human Type Treatment Usage Volume Metagenomics contaminant measurements Dissemination Leakage Percolation
The arable plant ecosystem as battleground for emergence of human pathogens Van Overbeek et al, Frontiers in Microbiology, 2014
Project structure WP1 Selection of the most relevant medicines and pathogens All WP2 Optimization analytical methods RIKILT WP3 Fate of manure contaminants from animal to environment Alterra, RIKILT, WLR WP4 Gut metagenomics/ resistome CVI/ RIKILT WP5 and 6 Plant Metagenomics/ Mobilomics PPO-PRI, FM WP7 Evaluation measures in socio-economic context LEI WP8 Dissemination of results All
Deliverables 2016 Final report over 2016 Priority list of ‘contaminants’ in manure (chemical residues and pathogens) Optimized manure and soil extraction protocols for chemical analytical analysis (antibiotics) Peer-reviewed papers on: ● Microbiome/ resistome/ mobilome animal faeces ● Microbiome/ resistome/ mobilome plant-soil interface (rhizosphere) EU Cost Action HUPLANTcontrol
Jan Wichers Freddy de Bree Alex Bosser Dik Mevius Louise Wipfler Jaap van Os Joost Lahr Sven Warren Els Nijhuis Bjorn Berendsen Khanh Pham Martin Verbeek Marcel Zwietering Tjakko Abee Fridtjof de Buisonjé Paul Hoeksma Herman van Roermund Peter Willemsen Aart van Amerongen Ron Bergevoet Nico Bondt Tanja Koeijer Leo van Overbeek
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