21/06/2016 Equality Delivery System 2 (EDS2) Training on grading CCG equality performance evidence 27 October 2015.


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Presentation transcript:

21/06/2016 Equality Delivery System 2 (EDS2) Training on grading CCG equality performance evidence 27 October 2015

21/06/2016 Content Why does the CCG need to consider Equality and Inclusion? CCG Consideration Protected Characteristics What is EDS v2? EDS Outcomes the CCG are focusing on EDS Grades Overview EI&RA – Equality Impact & Risk Assessment process Grading and Voting

3 Midlands and Lancashire CSU Why should the CCG consider Equality and Inclusion? A new Equality Act came into force on 1 October The Equality Act 2010 brings together over 116 separate pieces of legislation into one single Act. A legal framework to protect the rights of individuals and advance equality of opportunity for all. The Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) requires public bodies to give due regard or deliberate consideration to local protected groups & the need to eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations between different people when carrying out their activities.Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED)

The Equality Act 2010 Human Rights Act 1998 NHS Constitution NHS Values CCG Commissioning Plans Local People Expect it To improve the health outcomes and reduce health inequalities for people living locally CCG Consideration

NHS Values Working together for patients Compassion Commitment to quality care Respect & Dignity Improving Lives Everyone Counts NHS Constitution & Values

AgeDisabilitySexRace Religion or Belief Sexual Orientation Marriage and Civil Partnership Pregnancy and Maternity Gender Reassignment Protected Characteristics

7 Midlands and Lancashire CSU What is EDS v2? The Equality Delivery System v2 is: To help local NHS organisations, in discussion with local partners (including local people) to review and improve their performance for people with characteristics protected by the Equality Act 2010 Commitment to an inclusive NHS that is fair and accessible to all Highlight inequalities and areas of improvement Happy patients, safe, positive experience Happy staff Good leadership

8 Midlands and Lancashire CSU Equality Delivery System 2 – Your Analysis With local people, community organisations work together to analyse and grade NHS organisations such as the CCG equality performance against 18 EDS required Outcomes grouped into 4 Goals: Better health outcomes Improved patient access and experience Inclusive leadership A representative and supported workforce

9 Midlands and Lancashire CSU EDS2 outcomes that the CCG are focusing on in 2015 ObjectiveNarrativeOutcome Goal 1: Better health outcomes The NHS should achieve improvements in patient health, public health and patient safety for all, based on comprehensive evidence of needs and results 1.1 Services are commissioned, procured, designed and delivered to meet the health needs of local communities 1.2 Individual people’s health needs are assessed and met in appropriate and effective ways 1.3 Transitions for patients from one service to another, for people on care pathways, are made smoothly with everyone well informed 1.4 When people use NHS services their safety is prioritised and they are free from mistakes, mistreatment and abuse. Goal 4: Inclusive leadership (at all levels) NHS organisations should ensure that equality is everyone’s business and everyone is expected to take an active part, supported by the work of specialist equality leaders and champions. 4.1 Boards and senior leaders routinely demonstrate their commitment to promoting equality within and beyond their organisation 4.2 Papers that come before the Board and other major Committees identify equality related impacts including risks and say how these risks are to be managed 4.3 Middle managers & line managers support their staff to work in culturally competent ways within a work environment free from discrimination.

10 Midlands and Lancashire CSU At the grading event you will work as a group: –Looking at the evidence provided by the CCG –Listening to / watching presentations, including some patient stories –Consider the evidence against the 4 grades U D A E –How well do people from protected groups fare compared with people overall in healthcare? –Grade the CCG – using a held grading device or coloured card –Opportunity for each stakeholder to make eg 2 summary recommendations to CCGs on how to improve the grading for each required Outcome (Goals 1 & 4) in the next 12 months Defining the grade UDAE

11 Midlands and Lancashire CSU EDS2 grades - overview For each outcome, one of four grades can be chosen: Excelling - Purple Achieving - Green Good outcomes evidence for 3 to 5 protected groups Developing - Amber Undeveloped - Red Poor outcomes, evidence not used, local interests not engaged & equality not part of mainstream processes / evidence of faring poorly or no evidence for PGs Very good outcomes, evidence fully used, local interests fully engaged equality part of mainstream business planning & decision making at all levels Good outcomes evidence for 2 protected groups Good outcomes evidence for 3 to 5 protected groups

12 Midlands and Lancashire CSU Grading and Voting Pack Agenda Notes / Voting document Equality Monitoring Form Photo/Filming Consent Form Evaluation Form Evidence Hard copies of summary evidence available Voting Voting pads / coloured cards

13 Midlands and Lancashire CSU What to expect from CCG after the annual public grading event A summary report with grading and recommendations made will be produced by CCG This will be approved by Boards and displayed on CCG websites as a public document A CCG action plan will be developed from the recommendations made by the EDS stakeholder groups at the event (we aim for attendance from a representative spread of local protected group reps The action plan will show actions relating to how CCGs can improve their performance over the coming 12 months CCGs will publish which EDS Goal(s) they plan to grade in 2016 The areas of healthcare focus of evidence gathered by CCG will also be detailed in the EDS grading report CCGs plan to meet with the EDS stakeholder group before the next annual public grading event to support you in carrying out this role CCGs want to work with representatives of local protected groups to help us improve our equality performance using the NHS England EDS framework for NHS commissioner, and their larger provider organisations

14 Midlands and Lancashire CSU What to expect from CCG after the annual public grading event: Influencing for change Review / revise Equality Objectives and action plans for the 2 CCGs Publish grades, Equality Objectives & Plans to improve where significant gaps in evidence

21/06/2016 Thank you Please complete feedback forms