Our Smokefree Trust: 4 April 2016 Chris Packham, Associate Medical Director Heather Thomson, Project Lead Mandy Whalley, Senior Project Manager
2 Smoking is the largest single cause of patients with severe mental illness living years shorter lives 50% all Mental Health Trusts now implementing PH48. We are NOT telling people they must stop smoking, just that they cannot smoke whilst on our premises 2 things which makes it so hard for smokers to stop: ○Nicotine addiction (nicotine is the least harmful of the 4,000 chemicals in tobacco smoke) “People smoke for the nicotine but die from the smoke” ○Habit OUR culture of smoke breaks worsens this Nicotine addiction creates a cycle of stress, it does not relieve stress
3 Planning We are listening very carefully We are learning from other places
4 We will have... Inpatients: ○Access to sufficient NRT to ensure comfort ○we need leadership support to ensure enough inpatient staff are able, trained and confident (at least 50% before April) ○Brief Intervention training for ALL staff ○Increased ward and site based meaningful activity Outpatients and staff ○Access to smoking cessation services, including on- site, and support in the community
5 Remember lessons from before It’s not the first time we have gone ‘smoke-free’ and we have learned lessons ○Consistency ○Communication +++ No exemptions ○ any uncertainty makes it confusing and dangerous for patients and staff who are managing this change Approach for staff will be consistent
6 E-cigarettes Difficult position Consistent approach from Forensic: all three Trusts with High, Medium and Low Secure Hospital estate: No e-cigarette use on safety grounds Non-Forensic services may allow e-cigarette use by inpatients ○Leicester ○Maudsley E-cigarette use NOT in public areas All community patients who smoke encouraged to use them
7 This isn’t just about smoking Recovery focus Meaningful activity Genuine parity of esteem No justification for our historical approach But this is a journey and we must be sensitive and patient
8 Next…. Regular updates Ongoing programme of consultation Policies updated Phone and enquiries for questions