Narrative Paragraphs and Chronological Ordering Descriptive Paragraphs and Spatial Ordering Expository Paragraphs and Logical Ordering
A narrative paragraph must use good chronological ordering, in other words, the events must be ordered according to time. The Best Birthday My eleventh birthday was the best of my childhood. I awoke early in the morningand found my room was decorated in my favorite colors – black and orange for my favorite sports team. After I got dresed, I went downstairs. I had to pass the dining room on my way to the kitchen, so I saw all my birthday presents piled high on the table. I rushed into the kitchen, and my mother greeted me with a big kiss. I begged her to let me open just one present, but she said I had to wait until later, when all my aunts and uncles would arrive. The day seemed endless while I waited. At last, my aunts and uncles arrived in the late afternoon. Then, my mother said I could open my presents. I tore into each colorfully wrapped present, but I was disappointed because each package contained only a piece of paper with one word written on it. My mother knew I liked puzzles, so she said that this was a puzzle I had to figure out. I looked at all the words and realized that my real present was in the garage. When I ran out there, I saw my beautiful new ten – speed bicycle/. I was thrilled and told them all that I would never forget this wonderful day.
A descriptive paragraph use spatial ordering to have a good coherence. In other words, they have sentences that are ordered according to space. The items are described systematically through space A Beautiful Bride Sue looked picture-perfect on her wedding day. Her short, dark hair had been curled for the occasion, and on top of it rested a small veil. Under her naturally arched eyebrows, her warm brown eyes reflected serenity. Her eyes had only the slightest bit of make u on them, as usual. Her straight nose seemed to indicate that she was headed in the right direction. Her cheeks were rosy, and her lips were naturally red and full. She stood straight as an arrow as she walked down the aisle on the arm of her father. She wore a short, white, elegant dress and held a bouquet of white gardenias. Her stride was confident, yet formal, and made in white sandals. Indeed, Sue looked beautiful as she walked toward her new husband and her new life.
An expository paragraph also require good coherence. The principle, however, is based on logic or reason. The principle is logical ordering of sentences in a paragraph Becoming an Adult There many ways that societies welcome children into adulthood. For example, in many Native American tribes, adolescents are sent on a vision quest. This is a time when they go off on their own to find a personal spirit to guide them through life. Another example of children passing on to adulthood is celebrated in Judaism. When boys and girls turn thirteen, they are allowed to read the Torah in the synagogue and are then accepted as adults. In Catholicism, boys and girls have their confirmation ceremony. In this ceremony, they pledge themselves, as adults, to the church and to Christ. There are non-religious rites of passage, too. “Sweet Sixteen” parties are very popular, as are quinceaneras parties for Latina girls. Even getting a driver’s license can mean that a child has become an adult in many countries. In short, then, the common thread in all these activities is the recognition that a child is old enough to be treated as an adult and to assume adult responsibilities.