Successful scrutiny of a Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership (CDRP) Ben Aspinall Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council
WHY do we need to do it The Crime and Disorder (Overview and Scrutiny) Regulations 2009 “Frequency of meetings 4. A crime and disorder committee shall meet to review or scrutinise decisions made, or other action taken, in connection with the discharge by the responsible authorities of their crime and disorder functions as the committee considers appropriate but no less than once in every twelve month period.”
What do we need to do? Hold at least one meeting a year dedicated to ….discharge of ….crime and disorder functions As an “excellent and improving” authority is this enough?
WHEN do we need to do it? Meet once a year. Before end of Authority has discretion how often
HOW do we need to do it? Existing committee? Revised committee? New committee? Deliver to a common standard: the Home Office and a range of stakeholders have identified what works well in partnerships and have developed the ‘hallmarks of effective partnerships’.
CDRP`s Crime and Disorder Act 1998 The responsible authorities are: The local authority The police force The police authority The fire and rescue authority The primary care trust
Cooperating bodies Core: probation, parish councils, NHS Trusts, NHS Foundation Trusts, proprietors of independent schools and governing bodies of an institution within the further education sector. reducing re-offending (2010).
Scrutiny and community safety working together Relationships: –New and old –Territory –hierarchy Lines of accountability Reinventing the wheel – joint approach Big fish, little fish, cardboard box. Turning on a dime.
The performance landscape for crime and policing… Green Paper England & Wales 43 police forces. 381 local authorities. BCUs, Divisions, Districts, Boroughs. Police Authorities. 50 Fire and Rescue services. PCTs. Probation. Confidence the acid test.
What good scrutiny of crime and disorder would look like Councillors. Policy development. Strategy contribution. Accountability. Performance management.
Performance framework Not central targets or funding streams LOCAL Area Agreement 4 main elements: Public Service Agreement's: measured National Indicator Set Local Area Agreement Comprehensive Area Assessment Place based survey
Policy and Review Committee Terms of reference: To receive the Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership Annual Report. Establish if scrutiny wish to further engage – if so how? –Directly. –Sub groups. –Overview and Scrutiny Committees reporting back? –Tyne & Wear model.