“Noblesse Oblige”
It’s in the Library- we are a part of HELP Monday-Thursday 2-3pm See the sign up sheet in the back
Donating food to the Pantry in the Career Center can earn you an hour! Each hour depends on the amount you donate
Help out while parents take English language classes Thursday Evenings 6:30-8:00pm If interested contact Norma Cuevas at (and cc Dr.Jones on the )
Painting columns around the school! – brighten up the school/downstairs Over mid-winter break: We are hoping Tuesday and Wednesday(Feb 16 th -17 th ) 10am- 3pm Follow up on Facebook page
o Monday-Thursday 5:00pm-8:00pm Jan. 4-Feb. 8 o Where: WIAA State’s HS Athletics/Activities Office 435 Main Ave. South, Renton o Calling potential voters o Talk to Randy Matheson o ALSO CIVICS HOURS
o Friday, February 5: 4pm-10pm or 5pm-10pm o 5 for each Shift(10 total) o Kennydale Elementary School o Setting up the Commons before the Sock Hop, Selling food and other items and monitoring the doors, Cleaning up during and after the event. o Talk to Mr. Crueger Room 214 o CIVICS HOURS
o Feb. 4, :30 pm-7:45 pm o 15 volunteers o Meadow Crest Early Learning Center o Assist with parking, set up, break down from 6- 8pm. o Talk to Mr.Crueger o ALSO CIVICS HOURS
Assist with finish line, packet pickup, set up/clean up Supports American Lung Association Where: Rainier Tower When: Jan 23 rd, 2016
Money is due, AT THE LATEST, by Thursday January 28 th —to Mrs. Viles
Going over changes! Voting later online!
TURN IN HOURS LOG SHEET 10 hrs/semester, 2 NHS events per semester! Next meeting is FEBRUARY 11 TH !!