Where we REALLY want To Be: Where we were : Organizational Strategy
The Balanced Scorecard A strategic management system that - Provides a disciplined framework - Uses performance measures - Aligns ASHA’s budget with its strategic plan
Strategic Results Interactive Communications Engaged Leadership Advocacy Scientifically Based Professional Practice Two Profession, One Vision The Member Experience Member Financial Internal Processes Association Readiness Vision Values Enablers Challenges/Pains Customer Needs Mission Design of a Strategy-Driven Organization PERSPECTIVES
6 Strategic Theme: How members understand, value, and engage in the ASHA experience Strategic Result: The value of ASHA membership will be apparent and enhanced member satisfaction will be the rationale for member retention Measure: Close the gap between member retention and member satisfaction; exceed member expectations How it Moves ASHA to a Higher Level of Performance: Better informed members; better service delivery for members, increased leadership engagement
Strategic Theme: ASHA members provide high- quality Audiology and Speech- Language Pathology services integrating external scientific evidence, clinical expertise, and client perspective Strategic Result: ASHA strengthens its leadership in the generation, dissemination, and translation of research into the clinical practice of Audiology and Speech- Language Pathology How it Moves ASHA to a Higher Level of Performance: Advancing the integrity of professional practice in our discipline and continually elevating the practice of the professions.
Strategic Theme: The professions of Speech- Language Pathology and Audiology are integrally related and ASHA is fully committed to the link between the professions because of our shared discipline of communication sciences and disorders Strategic Results: ASHA will be the Association of choice for professionals in human communication sciences and disorders The relationship among the professions and the discipline will be apparent in ASHA’s programs, products and services How it Moves ASHA to a Higher Level of Performance: The synergy of the two professions strengthens our overall voice and visibility. Respecting the autonomy of Audiology and SLP professions while recognizing the common bond between them will better serve member needs.
9 Strategic Theme: Promoting and advancing the interests of the professionals in human communication and those we serve Strategic Result: ASHA’s organizational and grass-roots advocacy efforts lead to meaningful progress in the promotion and advancement of the interests of the professionals in human communication and those we serve How it Moves ASHA to a Higher Level of Performance: ASHA would be a leader as a change agent. Better availability, access, and funding for programs and services for professionals and clients. Better understanding of the professions and what we do. Increased autonomy.
Transform Grow Run
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15 Grow Run
16 Where strategy lives Transform Grow Run
Discussion of the Strategic Pathway Questions? Mary Sonnenschein or Vicki Deal-Williams Thank you!