More value from fewer resources Trevor Solomon Global PSRA Manager AkzoNobel
Text Bk D1 Color 6 Color 5 Color 4 Color 3 Color 2 Color 1 Text Bk D2 Text Bk L1 Text Bk L2 Hyper F. Hyper Text D2 Text L2 Agenda main Agenda main 2nd AkzoNobel today Sustainability | Planet Possible 2 North America 15% Mature Europe 38% Asia Pacific 25% Other countries 3% Emerging Europe 8% Latin America 11% Revenue by end-user segment Buildings and Infrastructure 44% Transportation 16% Consumer Goods 16% Industrial 24% Revenue by Business Area Decorative Paints28% Performance Coatings 38% Specialty Chemicals34%
Text Bk D1 Color 6 Color 5 Color 4 Color 3 Color 2 Color 1 Text Bk D2 Text Bk L1 Text Bk L2 Hyper F. Hyper Text D2 Text L2 Agenda main Agenda main 2nd 3Sustainability | Planet Possible Dow Jones Sustainability Index Leader of the Industry Dow Jones Sustainability Index Most respected independent benchmark of around 2,000 leading companies from 60 industries Assessed criteria: Economic: Corporate risk, customer relationship management, risk and crisis management Environmental: Reporting, product stewardship, operational eco-efficiency, climate strategy Social: Human capital development, talent attraction and retention, occupational health and safety
Our commitment to doing more with less Sustainability is at the heart of our business
5Sustainability | Planet Possible
Global trends impacting our key market segments Population growth Urbanization Climate Change Natural resource constraints
Planet Possible Our strategy Sustainable business Resource efficiency Capable, engaged people 7Sustainability | Planet Possible
Our Targets Delivering impact across the value chain 8Sustainability | Planet Possible
9 End-user segments Sustainable Innovation Sustainability Sustainability = Business Business = Sustainability Direction of Innovation spend (2.5% of 2014 revenue) End-user segment trends, combined with sustainability, direct our innovation spend
Dulux Light and space Reflects up to twice as much light back into your room, saving on energy costs Intersleek antifouling Our “tough on slime” coatings cut carbon and costs for ships Rediset™ WMX Rediset WMX reduces energy costs of road-laying by 20% and limits worker exposure to fumes Chelates We supply chelates used in detergents which lower the environmental impact of dishwashing
Ecosel AsphaltProtection An additive for road salt which can reduce the development of frost damage by up to 50% COOL CHEMISTRY Our COOL CHEMISTRY coatings feature special pigments that reflect infrared energy, while still absorbing visible light energy Interchar® 1120 Interchar® 1120 offers an environmentally friendly solution for protection of structural steelwork Dulux Guardian A premium, low VOC and low-odor soft sheen emulsion for interior walls which fights common household bacteria
Managing sustainability effectively Carbon intensity in our own scope is relatively low
AkzoNobel and The Gold Standard 13 AkzoNobel with The FReMCo Group created the first award-winning Gold Standard methodology for commercial shipping when using our Intersleek techbology The methodology is the first of it’s kind for both shipping and carbon credit arena…and was not an easy task! The project has delivered it’s first credits verifying 126,785 tonnes of avoided CO 2 emissions from 16 individual vessels All of the carbon credits are given to the ship owners involved in order to promote further investment in energy-efficient technology Focus of the business case was the credibility of the GS process that could in turn be used to give credibility to the carbon-reduction potential of our technology
AkzoNobels’ total energy requirement is ~9 trillion Wh per year The issuance of carbon credits confirms that Intersleek reduces CO 2 emissions on average by 9% Average fuel consumption of a vessel is around 50 tonnes of HFO per day or 15,000 tonnes per year Intersleek is currently applied to about 5% of the worlds’ commercial fleet Annual saving for the fleet due to Intersleek is around 3M tonnes HFO or 9.5M tonnes CO 2 9 trillion Wh is equivalent to 1.7M tonnes HFO or 5.5M tonnes CO 2 One product from a low energy portion of AkzoNobel offsets the whole of AkzoNobel by almost twice Co-Benefits of Carbon Credits
Text Bk D1 Color 6 Color 5 Color 4 Color 3 Color 2 Color 1 Text Bk D2 Text Bk L1 Text Bk L2 Hyper F. Hyper Text D2 Text L2 Agenda main Agenda main 2nd 15Sustainability | Planet Possible Sustainability is business and business is sustainability Our industry must deliver much more value from much fewer resources Sustainability requires collaboration throughout the value chain Sustainability is a major business driver Conclusions
More value from fewer resources Sustainability