The Big Interview Angela Cantor EDU 650
Introduction ▪Graduated from Kent State University in August of 2015 with a Bachelor’s of the Arts in Music. ▪Currently pursuing a Master’s of Arts in Education and Child Development from Ashford University. ▪19 years of study on the trumpet, including jazz, blues, ska and classical experience. ▪Currently teaching privately as a music teacher as well as working in the early childhood department of the YMCA. ▪Applying for a position in the instrumental music department that will give me an opportunity to share my comprehensive musical knowledge and performance experience with students.
Educational Philosophy ▪Students can expect an engaging teacher who is passionate about music and student success. ▪Parents can expect an open line of communication between home and the classroom. ▪Providing an environment that mimics professional ensembles and encourages students to collaborate with each other. ▪"The creative arts are the measure and reflection of our civilization. They offer many children an opportunity to see life with a larger perspective...The moral values we treasure are reflected in the beauty and truth that is emotionally transmitted through the arts. The arts say something about us to future generations." – Ann P. Kahn, Former President of The National PTA
Classroom Management Plan The purpose of this plan is to create an environment in which students can “create, perform and respond” musically (NAFME, 2014) 1.There is no running in the classroom. 2.Keep your hands and instruments to yourself. 3.If the instrument does not belong to you, do not touch it. This includes drum sticks, mallets, and the percussion instruments themselves. 4.Come to class prepared. This includes having a sharpened pencil, music, warm-up material and your practice work sheet signed by a parent. 5.When the conductor is not on the podium, instruments are lying flat across the lap of the student. When the conductor steps on to the podium, the instruments come up on to the knee and all talking stops. 6.There is only one person talking at a time. There is no talking over each other or yelling.
Effective Lesson Planning Clear objectives, relevant Learning activities and assessment of the knowledge obtained by students is the purpose of effective lesson planning(University of Michigan). An effective lesson plan is focused, goal orientated, and well written (Newman, 2013). Planning your lessons with a backwards design allow for teachers to start at the end game, and figure out creative ways to get there.
Assessment in the Music Classroom Formative Assessment ▪Individual playing tests ▪Rehearsal time with individual sections of the band. ▪Creating smaller ensembles within the band that encourage kids to collaborate and solve musical problems on their own. Summative Assessment ▪End of semester performances ▪Auditions for positions (chair assignments). ▪Musical skills include time spent practicing, talent, ability to read music and several other skills that hard difficult to evaluate in the traditional manner (Kordes).
References Kordes, U. (2014). A Model of Formative Assessment in Music Education. Athens Journal of Education, Retrieved May 02, 2016, from National Association for Music Education NAfME 2014 Music Standards Comments Newman, R. (2013). Teaching and learning in the 21st century: Connecting the dots. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. Strategies for Effective Lesson Planning. (n.d.). Retrieved April 21, 2016, from