Stem Changing Verbs (Part 2) Verbs ending in –iar, - uar, and –uir
So far we have talked about how to conjugate all regular present tense verbs, and some types of stem-changing boot verbs…
Today we will be talking about 3 other “boot” verbs -iar and –uar verbs -uir verbs
-iar and –uar verbs This verbs are highly regular, but something happens inside the boot… i í u ú
Common –iar/-UAR verbs Enviar Variar Continuar Actuar Confiar Graduar(se) Guiar Situar Resfriar(se)
-Uir Verbs In Spanish, the letter “I” is the weakest of all the vowels. When placed between two stronger vowels, it is easily lost in pronunciation. So we must replace it with a similar, yet stronger, letter “Y” Yo concluio Yo concluyo
Common –uir verbs Huir Distribuir Concluir Influir Construir Sustituir Contribuir Destruir
Practiquemos Conjugate the following verbs and underline where the changes happen: Confiar Actuar Distribuir