What do we know about seasons? What is a season? How many season do we have? What season are we in right now?
Spring Spring Video After watching this video, what can you tell me about the season spring?
Spring Spring begins at the end of March and ends at the end of June. In the spring weather slowly begins to warm up, it rains a lot, and plants begin to grow!
Summer Summer begins the same day spring ends. Summer ends at the end of September. Kids are out of school in the summer and the weather is
Summer Summer Song Turn to a partner and talk about your favorite things to do during the summer and why you do those activities in the summer!
In what season are the leaves this color?
Fall Fall begins on the day that summer ends Fall ends at the end of December What do you think of when you think of the season fall?
Winter begins the day that fall ends. Winter ends and the end of march. Name a few things that you like to do in winter that you cannot do in summer!
Seasons Song