Stem Changers (e to ie)
Stem Changing Verbs e→ie Tener Querer Pensar Empezar Venir Merendar Entender To have To want To think To begin (start) To come or arrive To snack To understand
Note: the verb “querer” is pronounced: Quer- (“care” in English) -er (“air” in English Querer. Care-air. (rhymes with “Care Bear”)
How do these verbs work?
Stem-changing need to have a boot!
First, let’s just add all the correct endings.
Verb endings If a verb ends in – ar, you add: o as a amos an
Verb endings If a verb ends in – er, you add: o es e emos en if a verb ends in – ir, you add: o es e imos en
So, since “querer” ends en “er” (querer), which endings will we add? The “er” endings: o es e emos en
Querer quer X oemos e es en
Now, let’s add our stem change. Remember, only the e in the stem can change. quer er entender If there are more than one e in the word, the second one always changes. prefer ir empez ar
Now let’s change the stems. Remember, e can change to ie only within the boot. This means the nosotros form never changes!
Querer quierqueremos quier X Quieren o emos e es en