Electronic Submission of Medical Documentation (esMD) AoR L2 Harmonization July 31 st, 2013
Meeting Etiquette Please announce your name each time prior to making comments or suggestions during the call Remember: If you are not speaking keep your phone on mute Do not put your phone on hold – if you need to take a call, hang up and dial in again when finished with your other call –Hold = Elevator Music = very frustrated speakers and participants This meeting, like all of our meetings, is being recorded –Another reason to keep your phone on mute when not speaking! Feel free to use the “Chat” or “Q&A” feature for questions or comments NOTE: This meeting is being recorded and will be posted on the esMD Wiki page after the meeting From S&I Framework to Participants: Hi everyone: remember to keep your phone on mute 2
Agenda 3 TopicPresenter Announcements and Administrative ItemsZach May AoR L2 Harmonization HL7 CDA Digital Signatures and Delegation of Rights IG Review Next steps Zach May Bob Yencha Bob Dieterle
Wed, July 31 st, PM ET: eDoC Workgroup meeting –1 – 2 PM ET: eDoC PMD User Story Meeting –2 – 3 PM ET: CANCELLED Friday, August 2 nd : 2 – 3 PM ET: eDoC Structured Data SWG meeting Wed, August 7 th : 2 – 3 PM ET: Begin eDoC Harmonization WG launch Schedule
Schedule: July 2013* SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday AM: AoR L2 Harmonization -- 1 PM: eDoC WG and Structured Data SWG eDoC Use Case Consensus BEGINS 2 PM: eDoC Structured Data SWG AM: AoR L2 Harmonization -- 1 PM: eDoC WG and Structured Data SWG 2 PM: eDoC Structured Data SWG eDoC Use Case Consensus ENDS COB 10 AM: AoR L2 Harmonization -- 1 PM: PMD User Story WG & Structured Data SWG 2 PM: eDoC Structured Data SWG July AM: AoR L2 Harmonization -- 1 PM: PMD User Story WG 2PM: Structured Data SWG CANCELLED
Schedule: August 2013* SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday PM: eDoC Structured Data SWG AM: AoR L2 Harmonization -- 1 PM: PMD User Story 2PM: eDoC Harmoniza- tion 2 PM: eDoC Structured Data SWG HL7: CDA IG Target DUE DATE 10 AM: AoR L2 Harmonization -- 1 PM: PMD User Story 2PM: eDoC Harmoniza- tion 2 PM: eDoC Structured Data SWG HL7: Ballot Opening AM: AoR L2 Harmonization -- 1 PM: PMD User Story 2PM: eDoC Harmoniza- tion 2 PM: eDoC Structured Data SWG HL7: Examples Deadline 31 August 2013 *This is a tentative schedule and subject to change Sep 16 – HL7 Ballot Closes
Switch to Word document HL7 CDA Implementation Guide Review