Programme Passport Access Search options Organising and modifying search results The content: reports, articles and statistical data Output options and formats Mintel Oxygen An alternative or complimentary product
Passport: Database Coverage Passport is published by Euromonitor. It provides market information on a global range of industries, products and services. This includes: Market size and trend data Company and brand profiles Industry reports Contextual macroeconomic and business-environment information, such as: Regional employment data National GDP data Consumer megatrends (‘eco-awareness’, ‘overspending’, etc.)
Access: University Portal Access Passport GMID via the University Portal: Library & IT tab; eLibrary channel; Databases… link
Access: The Directory of Databases An A-Z title list; Each title is a link to the database
Passport: Home Page Use the Register option to create your own account, in which you can store discovered documents and data. This is a free, optional service.
Main Search Options There are two basic methods of searching: Menu Search The user is guided through the available search categories This is preferable for new users as it gives a clearer view of the thematic and geographic coverage of Passport Advanced Text The user is enabled to construct searches using their own terms The search interface is similar to that of our bibliographic databases Companies or Brands A more specific variant of the Menu Search
Search Options View With grinding inevitability, you will also see the ubiquitously witless Google-esque search box The Search tab displays the specific search options: Menu Search; Advanced Text; etc. On logging in, you will see the persistently displayed menu bar
Menu Search: Category Tree Selections The Category Tree has two main components: Industries (part of which is shown here) and Countries and Consumers (further down). Any selection of categories and sub- categories can be combined. Your selection will be shown in the Category Summary box. The displayed example shows a deliberately inappropriate selection. Categories will be combined using Boolean OR, which may generate an unmanageable result set.
Menu Search: Category Tree Filter Use the Filter Tree to enter your own descriptors However, it may not always be apparent where in the structure a particular Category might appear Any results will be displayed within their immediate category-structure context On completing your Category selection, you will be prompted to Now Choose Geographies
Menu Search: Geography Tree Selections The Filter option Predefined sets of countries Self select regions and/or countries The Category and Geography summaries ‘Chocolate Confectionery’ + ‘United Kingdom’
Results List: Initial Display Sort options (defaults to Relevance) Contextually relevant refinement options displayed in the left-hand column If appropriate, you can Modify Search by returning to the Category and Geography trees Statistics: Typically equates to the Market Sizes data Analysis: Typically equates to the Category Briefing or Country/Industry Report
Result Types: Category Briefings / Reports This class of document typically contains a summary of current industry or sector trends and anticipated future developments, plus associated data on the key products, brands and companies as appropriate.
Result Types: Articles Articles are comparatively shorter pieces that usually focus on recent developments in a particular region, country, market/industry or company Some chocolate
Result Types: Statistics (Data) Can be highly variable in complexity depending on your search. Data might be from several Industry and/or Country and Consumers categories. Explanation of the displayed data table Charting options Options to display alternative data measures
Result Types: Statistics (Chart) Options for data type formats The drop-down menu of chart formats: bar; column; line Note: Far more sophisticated displays can be achieved by exporting the tabular data to MS Excel
Advanced Text Search Defaults to a single line but, as here, you can add additional lines as necessary Displays up to ten suggestions as you enter each search term Within each search box, you can match All or Any of These Words, or specify an Exact Phrase Connect your search boxes using AND, OR, or NOT Note: Boolean operators do not appear to work very efficiently; sometimes identifying terms in ‘related articles’ lists
CAMI: Data Analysis and Modelling A new service that enables you to process cross-industry and socio-economic data using a set of predefined models Example: Projections of UK GDP growth dependent on multiple potential contraction scenarios for the Chinese economy
Output: Articles, Reports, Statistical Data Options to Export to PDF, Print, and Save to My Research (you can create an account from Passport’s Home Page) Options to export displayed data to MS Excel, and to export all data in this dataset (NOT AVAILABLE on our subscription)
Mintel Oxygen Mintel Oxygen – another highly reputable source of marketing information and data Coverage UK industry and sector reports International travel and tourism reports Access Via the directory of databases (University Portal)
Mintel: Home Page Note: A new interface is promised in December 2014 The link to all our subscribed UK reports
Mintel: UK Coverage Browsable sub- sets of reports Sort reports alphabetically or by date (reverse chronological order)
Mintel: Search Options (Advanced) 1. Search for products, services and companies. For this search, the results will show all reports that refer to Tesco. You can additionally look at the Company Profile (using the Company radio button), which gives a summary of performance, location, etc. There are two aspects to the search interface which can be used independently or in combination 2. Use the industry/service/product category filter to perform as general or specific a search of the reports as necessary
Mintel: Report Format Report history (typically annual) Link to the full Table-of-Contents Quick links to the main findings
Mintel: Report Table-of-Contents Although this is the table of contents for the Burger report, it demonstrates the typical structure of all Mintel industry and service reports. Thus you will commonly see such sections as: Issues in the Market; Who’s Innovating?; Market Size and Forecast; Companies and Products; etc.
Mintel: Example Report Content Descriptive, explanatory text plus data tables and charts
Mintel: Output Text and Data Print or download the report section (text and data) to MS Word Similarly, export any table to MS Excel (which allows you then to manipulate and redisplay that data) For alternatives to Microsoft, use the Export functions, and download content in RTF format
Support Library Moodle course: Library Information for Business Students Includes a PDF version of this presentation Academic Support Librarians