The Geographic Area
Ice in our Communities Increase in serious violent & high volume crime. Increased representation in Road Trauma. People are presenting at our emergency services in growing numbers with ICE-related injuries and conditions. Family Support networks are responding to an increasing number of ICE-fuelled family incidents. Sporting networks report an increasing risk to players as a consequences of taking ICE. Workplaces are identifying alarming rates of use among its workers (especially in the building – construction and hospitality industries).
Why Act? Community Expectations Government Actions & Initiatives Relevant Legislation Media Speculation & Influence
Great South Coast Substance Abuse Action Group – Steering Committee Great South Coast Group, representing participating Local Government Areas that constitute the GSC Region – Colin RYAN (Mayor for Moyne and Chair of Great South Coast Board). Victoria Police – Superintendent Don DOWNES & S/Sgt Steve THOMPSON Rotary Clubs of the South West – Acting Secretary Andrew SUGGETT Australian Drug Foundation – National Policy Manager Geoff MUNRO Western Region Alcohol & Drugs – Director Geoff SOMA South West Health Care – Jodie OUTTRAM Western Victoria Primary Health Network – Western Regional Manager Sue FLEMMING Brophy Family & Youth Services – CEO Frances BROEKMAN & Ian CAIRNS ACE Radio Network – CEO Peter HEADON, Tracy KOL & Matty STEWART Depart of Justice & Regulation – Renee PERRY AFL – Western Region Manager Lachy PATTERSON South West Aboriginal Communities – John BELL Deakin University - Sharon HORWOOD (Lecturer - School of Psychology) RYP International – Dave STEWART Good Idea Advertising Pty Ltd – Russ GOODEAR
Project Aim To engage the community across the Great South Coast to adopt a united and coordinated approach in identifying and then implementing strategies to positively influence against the harm caused by the drug “Ice”. The focus of the approach will be based around Awareness, Action & Prevention.
Project Objectives Lead a bold, innovative, local approach to tackle the issue of Ice by adopting a unique Community driven Collective Engagement Approach. A representative Steering Committee will be established to oversee the project. The Project will draw input from all Great South Coast Local Councils, key Government Agencies and community groups, including sport, youth, health, education, police and business. The major focus project is to engage the local community to coordinate resources and develop a range of initiatives to reduce harm caused by the prevalence and use of Ice. All initiatives will be structured around the key principles of awareness, action and prevention.
The Collective Engagement Model The Collective Engagement (Impact) model involves the commitment of a group of empowered representatives from different agencies, organisations & community groups working to a common agenda to solve a specific social problem or issue. The model relies upon a structured form of collaboration to develop a framework through which sustainable change can be realised. (Stanford Social Innovation Review 2011).Stanford Social Innovation Review
6 Stages of the Model 1. ENGAGEMENT Coalition of the Willing, Stakeholders & Funders 2. COMMUNICATION Great South Coast Media & Communication Strategies 3. INITIATION Community Action Summit – 1 Day Summit DAY PLAN Teams prepare and develop agreed Actions 5. IMPLEMENT Declaration Day, Launch and One Year of Actions 6. EVALUATION Action Research Methodology
Our Model for Engagement & Action Steering Committee CorangamiteGlenelgMoyne Southern Grampians Warrnambool AWARENESS & PREVENTION Focus Local Actions & Initiatives Independent Evaluation & Action Research LGA Project Teams supported by Regional Steering Committee.
Funding & Sponsorship Funding sub committee established and pursuing 4 base tiers of funding; Major Corporations Government and Government Departments & Agencies Local Trusts / Foundations / Sponsors Members of the Public
Project Pathway
Questions &Contacts Steve Thompson – Victoria Police, Warrnambool Colin Ryan – Chair, Great South Coast Group Russ Goodear – Good idea Marketing Website – icechallengegsc.com Facebook – Under Development A P ROJECT OF THE G REAT S OUTH C OAST S UBSTANCE A BUSE A CTION G ROUP