Food For Thought Look at the following foods and discuss which you think are good for you, bad for you or a bit of both. Why do you think so?
A Balanced Diet (have you checked out the Food Pyramid ?) There are FIVE main Food groups: Fruit and Vegetables Meat and Beans (Whole)Grains Milk and Dairy Fats and Sugars Can you think of a few foods that belong in each of these groups? In order to be healthy we need to have a healthy balance of foods from all these groups and pick wisely!
Different Needs We should all now know what the food groups are and what food we should be trying to eat more and less of. However, different body types, cultures and living situations may effect what you can and have to eat. Look at the following situations, how might the diets be different? Religious beliefs Weather Activities Medical Conditions Age Job(s)Gender
Quiz Without looking, what are the 5 main food groups on the pyramid? What kind of grain is best for us? Name a food from each group. How can we prepare meat in the healthiest possible way? What kind of food gives us protein? What is a good alternative to chocolates and sweets? Why might eating habits be different in a hot country and a cold country? What other ways are there of staying healthy?
Answers Grains, vegetables, fruit, milk and meat& beans. Whole grain cereal. Grains: Cereal, pasta bread, popcorn etc. Vegetables: Asparagus, carrots, cauliflower etc. Fruits: Apples, bananas, grapes, mango, strawberries etc. Milk& Calcium: Milk, cheese, milkshakes, yoghurt etc. Meat and beans: chicken, fish, turkey, peas, walnuts etc. Instead of frying food we can broil, grill or bake it, don{t add extra salt or fat to meat. Cut away any excess fat. Raw fruits and vegetables and nuts are healthy tasty snacks. Your body may need more energy or fluids depending on where you live, different food is available in different climates, in cold weather you use energy to stay warm as well as do activities, so you may need to eat more. A heavier diet in hot weather could make you tired and inactive. Walking instead of using the car, rollerblading, cycling, doing a physical activity instead of watching t.v or using the internet.
So Remember… You should be eating a variety of food from all the food groups Try to limit how much fatty and sugary food you eat Every body is different and has different needs so make sure what you eat fits the activities you do, where you live and your body. Try to always start the day with breakfast and eat a balanced meal for lunch and dinner. Try eating healthy snacks like fruit and vegetable in between. Don’t just eat healthy, live healthy and exercise!
Extra Info For extra information on nutrition: For games and quizzes on food, nutrition and healthy Eating go to