«We still think of a powerful man as a born leader and a powerful woman as an anomaly…» Margaret Atwood
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ROLE OF TURKISH WOMEN IN THE WORKFORCE The introduction of women in the workforce was not a voluntery action in Turkey. It was a kind of obligation. Thus, during the war ( Balkan War), many women in Turkey went to work in factories to support the war effort (and to provide much-needed labor). This number increased during the 1. and 2. World War and the Turkish Independency War.
Elementary % 6.1 Second Level % 8.1 Lycee % 30.4 Vocational School % 62.2 University % 53.2 Master Degree % 50 Doctoral Degree % 100 EDUCATION OF WOMEN IN TURKISH WORKFORCE
How many women- at the working age- enetered into the workforce 1990 % 34, % 26, % 25, % %25 only 9 % of this number hold the managerial positions. These numbers are the lowest percentages among European countirest.
Disadvantages of these numbers "We need more women in leadership roles in jobs in companies. If Turkey got 29 percent of its women in the workforce that could reduce poverty by up to 15 percent," says Gulden Turktan, who is the former president of Women's Entrepreneurs Association of Turkey.
Why? Education period, Shift from agriculture activities to industrial areas Children Lack of Education Lack of «Flexiable Working Hours» Traditions Cultural Roles
For every 100 women, 12,8 % work for theirselves or at managerial positions, 51,1 % is an employee 34,8 % work for their houses WOMEN
Heritated the establishment from family Work with their husbands or families Establish their own businesses WOMEN
Women can easily rule their businesses in line with their family lives. However in most of the cases men are not capable of playing in two different fields. This shows us that although women have similar qualifications with their men colleagues as an entrepreneurs they have some distinguishing specialties as entrepreneurs. WOMEN
Differences Better organizers Combine their mind with their hearth Better communicators (Relationship oriented) Developed emotional intelligance Persistance against burnout! Ready to ask when they have questions Opennes to changes Aquire the risk that they can manage, Work for their family Manage conflict Share information
Conclusion On the whole, however, studies on female entrepreneurship in Turkey are still at the beginning stage, and results show that the main problem Turkish women face in establishing their own business is related to what is still culturally supposed to be their role in social and family life. Moreover, finds that the above mentioned constraints are stronger for rural than for urban women. Indeed, women having their own business located in urban areas seem to be less slowed down by social and financial constraints.