GRI NW European Energy Work Plan 2011 – 2014 Robert Spencer 20th Madrid Forum, 26 September 2011.


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Presentation transcript:

GRI NW European Energy Work Plan 2011 – 2014 Robert Spencer 20th Madrid Forum, 26 September 2011

2 Applied criteria in elaboration of work plan Work plan should meet different criteria:  Focus on Framework Guidelines / network codes;  Linked to 3-year forward plan of the European Commission;  Commitment from relevant stakeholders is a prerequisite for success;  Added value from regional approach.  Drafting process should result in work plan with realistic ambitions

3 Outline of GRI NW European Energy Work Plan  Co-ordination of timely and correct implementation of the network codes CAM, Balancing and Interoperability  Projects that have regional interest or can feed into Framework Guidelines / network codes that are still to be drafted Implementation work Pilot projects Pre- comitology  Early understanding of FG / NC through dialogue between MS, NRAs and TSOs to ensure efficient comitology process

4 Implementation of the network codes  Implementation process is currently operationalised Regional operalisation to make rules ”fit for purpose”(where and if required) Assist in timely monitoring and consistent implementation of the codes Report progress / obstacles to ACER/European Commisison/Member States Role of the region: Implementation plan Regional operalisation Reporting Monitoring Actual implementation

5 Pre-comitology meetings CAM Balancing Interoper. Etc. The 3-year work plan sets the agenda for the pre-comitology meetings Principles in Guidelines and network codes are explained and opinions communicated Pre-comitology takes place between MS, NRAs and TSOs during Government meeting  Provide early understanding to ensure an efficient comitology process Defined principles and rules Impact on energy market Stakeholders point of view

6 Possible pilot projects in  Commitment of relevant stakeholders  Realistic achievable goal  Foreseable timeframe  Beneficial to market and/ or FG / NC discussion  Research into possibility of exploring market coupling  Gas Regional Investment Plan  Creation of joint regional booking platform for CAM Criteria for a pilotPossible projects  Precise deliverables and timeschedule to be chosen on annual basis

7 Work plan of GRI NW for 2011 Work plan Transparency: Ensure full and consistent implementation of information provisions Investment: Assist ENTSOG in GRIP and monitor open season Lux-Fr Pre-com meetings: Early understanding of FG / NC to ensure efficient comitology Preparatory work: Getting the approach right for implementation work 3 4  All projects are ongoing

8 Thank you for your attention