GRI NW European Energy Work Plan 2011 – 2014 Robert Spencer 20th Madrid Forum, 26 September 2011
2 Applied criteria in elaboration of work plan Work plan should meet different criteria: Focus on Framework Guidelines / network codes; Linked to 3-year forward plan of the European Commission; Commitment from relevant stakeholders is a prerequisite for success; Added value from regional approach. Drafting process should result in work plan with realistic ambitions
3 Outline of GRI NW European Energy Work Plan Co-ordination of timely and correct implementation of the network codes CAM, Balancing and Interoperability Projects that have regional interest or can feed into Framework Guidelines / network codes that are still to be drafted Implementation work Pilot projects Pre- comitology Early understanding of FG / NC through dialogue between MS, NRAs and TSOs to ensure efficient comitology process
4 Implementation of the network codes Implementation process is currently operationalised Regional operalisation to make rules ”fit for purpose”(where and if required) Assist in timely monitoring and consistent implementation of the codes Report progress / obstacles to ACER/European Commisison/Member States Role of the region: Implementation plan Regional operalisation Reporting Monitoring Actual implementation
5 Pre-comitology meetings CAM Balancing Interoper. Etc. The 3-year work plan sets the agenda for the pre-comitology meetings Principles in Guidelines and network codes are explained and opinions communicated Pre-comitology takes place between MS, NRAs and TSOs during Government meeting Provide early understanding to ensure an efficient comitology process Defined principles and rules Impact on energy market Stakeholders point of view
6 Possible pilot projects in Commitment of relevant stakeholders Realistic achievable goal Foreseable timeframe Beneficial to market and/ or FG / NC discussion Research into possibility of exploring market coupling Gas Regional Investment Plan Creation of joint regional booking platform for CAM Criteria for a pilotPossible projects Precise deliverables and timeschedule to be chosen on annual basis
7 Work plan of GRI NW for 2011 Work plan Transparency: Ensure full and consistent implementation of information provisions Investment: Assist ENTSOG in GRIP and monitor open season Lux-Fr Pre-com meetings: Early understanding of FG / NC to ensure efficient comitology Preparatory work: Getting the approach right for implementation work 3 4 All projects are ongoing
8 Thank you for your attention