Background Generation and Characteristics of Commercial Solid Waste in Phnom Penh City, CAMBODIA ○ YIM Mongtoeun, 1) Takeshi FUJIWARA, 1) and SOUR Sethy 2) 1) Graduate School of Environmental and Life Science, Okayama University, Tsushima-naka, Kita-ku, Okayama, , Japan *Corresponding author: 2) Department of Environmental Science, Royal University of Phnom Penh, Russian Federation, Touk Laark I, Toul Kork, Phnom Penh, CAMBODIA (i)To determine commercial solid waste properties: waste generation rate, physical composition, and the level of recyclables in landfill waste. (ii)To consider the appropriate disposal methods The total waste recovery is around 60% of commercial waste. Biological treatment is appropriate way to treat commercial waste in Phnom Penh city. It can be conducted in Phnom Penh itself like CSARO, NGO. Sorted waste was mainly food, followed by glass bottles, PET bottles, papers, aluminum can and steel. Waste generation by source Sources which provide food services and drink produced more waste than other sources. e.g., internet cafes, restaurants and beer gardens. Schools, microfinances, shops, ministries, and council of ministers produce lesser waste. Even paper is expected generating from these places but most recyclable paper already sorted for selling. Byer et al (2006) indicated that 3-star hotels in Halong city, Vietnam, produced similar amount of waste (0.43kg/guest/day) as 3- star hotels in Phnom Penh city. Category and sub-category of commercial waste. The result (Table 1) shows that food waste is the largest proportion (51.34%), followed by plastics (19.25%), paper (14.84%), yard waste (4.04%) and glass (4.02%). These figures do not include salable materials already sorted at source. At the present, sorted food was collected by farmers for animal feed, mainly swine. If food waste is completely sorted and treated, 51% of current commercial solid waste can be minimized through composting or animal feed. Other recyclable materials such as paper, plastics, glass, aluminum can and steel can be contributed about maximum 10% for waste reduction. Municipality of Phnom Penh should promote food waste recycling for commercial waste. Methods ObjectivesResults Conclusion The waste samples were daily collected from 52 commercial sources during 22 July–28 August in The commercial sources are food services (restaurants, internet cafés and beer gardens), hotels, offices (microfinances and ministries), schools (primary schools, institutes and universities), shops (phone shops, cloth shops and groceries), markets (super markets and family marts) and guesthouses. Waste composition analysis sorted waste into 23 categories (see in Table 1) Waste Category (%) Organic Food51.34 Yard wastes4.04 Wood/bamboo0.39 charcoal0.14 Paper Recyclable2.89 Non-recyclable11.95 Plastics PET bottle1.60 HDPE3.51 Film plastic0.08 Plastic bag13.31 Foam plastic0.75 Textiles & shoes1.15 Rubber & leather0.23 Wax0.01 Others0.79 Inorganic Electronics0.12 Stone, ceramic, soil1.40 Battery0.05 Ashes, dirt0.61 Glass4.02 Steel0.64 Aluminum can0.40 Others0.55 Table 1 Waste category and sub-category Figure 1. Diagram of sample collection and segregation Figure 2. Commercial Solid Waste Composition Sample collection and transportationWaste segregation Waste category ● Phnom Penh is a capital city and also the biggest city as well as tourism area. ● Population will increase from 1.4 million in 2008 to 1.7 million by ● The annual generation of waste increased from 0.36 million tons in 2008, and expected to million tons in ● All kinds of collected wastes are disposed of at dumping site or landfill without separation/pre-treatment. ● Waste generation situation from commercial sector has not been studied in detail. ● Targets of the research are hotels, restaurants, schools, shops, beer gardens, offices, internet cafés, guesthouses, and microfinances. Table 2 Waste generation by source Sources No of Samples Kg/cap/day Microfinance agencies20.08 Internet cafés31.31 Restaurants Guesthouses20.51 Beer Gardens80.84 Hotels50.33 Markets40.23 Shops60.11 Schools70.03 Ministries40.19 Council of Ministers10.13 Average The general composition of commercial waste Biodegradable waste is predominant, followed by plastics and paper; and inorganics. The variation of waste discharge the day of the week Waste generation rate is high for beer gardens, markets, and restaurants at the weekend. Microfinances, schools, internet cafés, and hotels generated more waste at the early of weekday. Waste collection is more efficiency by collecting waste more often at weekend for high production sources and less collection for the lower production ones. Sources MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday Beer gardens Guesthouses Hotels Internet cafés Markets Restaurants Microfinances Schools Stores Average Table 3 Waste generation by source (kg/source/day)