Laser Safety Web pages Ken Barat Your Laser Safety Officer
Enclosure example Example of enclosure made from Optical Density acrylics. This contains all stray reflections inside the enclosure. This can be custom or home made
Compartmentalization Large open beam path, enclosed in a compartmentali zation approach. Holes through interior panels let beam move across the table.
Locked enclosure Small table top enclosure Panels use locks to keep others from opening the panels Blue curtain in back ground goes around table to make a room within a room effect
More enclosure ideas
Vertical block Vertical beam can be an easily overlooked eye hazard. Awareness signs are useful, but a beam block of one sort or another is even better
Optic is entirely enclosed two commercial products One with opaque beam tubes the other clear tubes
Use beam blocks as often as needed or perimeter guard
Vertical beam can be an easily overlooked eye hazard. Awareness signs are useful, but a beam block of one sort or another is even better, here we have both
Beam path between enclosures The pump beam path is usually very short and has no reason for being an open pathway. The beam tube can be opaque or visible.
Beam across walkway Clever solution Beam tube falls out, swing arm or guillotine falls into place (beam is blocked) Beam directed off table with tube in place swing block contains the beam on the table
Curtains Can be used to segregate a room into laser areas and laser free areas Block stray beams from exiting the room –Door or windows Reduce stray light onto experiment
External shutter Use for mid & far IR detection
Dye pumps need to go in secondary containment Metal tray is best, plastic is acceptable Tray needs enough volume to collect spilled dye
Flashing LED Can be used during special circumstances Administrative controls Interlock not functioning Service work Alignment LEDs can be obtained from LSO
80/20 frame stands off from table, panels slide to open access. Top is closed equipped with lights for visibility, can also have HEPA Filter for cleanliness
Interlock alternative Rather than interlock to laser, here we have a combination lock used to keep unauthorized out. Is not tied to laser. Each user can have a separate access code Door is always locked from the outside
Eyewear storage Laser eyewer is best stored in one central location (not a box). The plastic holder is free from the LSO Eyewer does not have to be stored outside the lab Right inside the entrance is acceptable
Trip hazards, wires and hoses can be reduced with the use of these heavy due plastic bridges. They contain pre-cut groves and can be linked together
Pump beam path The pump beam path is usually very short and has no reason for being an open pathway. The beam tube can be opaque or visible.
Perimeter or curb guard Role is to contain stray beams to table top. This approach can be easier than beam blocks behind every optic. Duffuse inner surface is best approach.
Port cover Window leading into a vacuum chamber/end station Controls in play –Plastic cover to block any stray reflections fro leaving te chamber –Warning label for hazard communication –Bolt lock to make a violation of this window willful