Выполнила Барышникова Анастасия ученица 8 «А» класса МОУ «Средняя общеобразовательная школа № 1 р.п. Новые Бурасы Новобурасского района Саратовской области» Руководитель: Алферьева М.К. II Региональный интернет-конкурс творческих работ учащихся «Здоровая нация – процветание России» навстречу Олимпиаде
Snowboard (Snowboarding) - Olympic sport, which consists in the descent from the snowy slopes of the mountains and the special projectile - snowboarding. Initially, winter sport, although some ekstremaly mastered it even in the summer, snowboarding on sandy slopes (sendbording).
Hard - speed skating on the groomers using special equipment, gear and skating technique. Sports - includes the following disciplines: boardercross, slalom, parallel slalom, giant slalom, parallel giant slalom and super-G. Freeride - free descent on unprepared slopes from shallow to quite the coolest. Freestyle - prepared for the descent of the jumps and acrobatic track. Freestyle includes a number of disciplines, including Big Air, Slope-style and more.
Snowboarding can be considered the inventor of the Austrian Jack Burtsheeta. In 1929 he created the first semblance of a modern board, cut it out of the ordinary plywood. Therefore, the founder of snowboarding officially believe Tom Sims, who in 1963 made his first snowboard. Originally, it was a simple plaque on a skateboard, which is perfect in form. Few people took it seriously then the invention, but Tom persevered to improve their work and achieved remarkable results. He becomes the first manufacturer in the history of snowboarding and puts them up for sale under the name SIMS Snowboards.
In the Olympics snowboard was included in Women and men have played the championship in the giant slalom and halfpipe. At OWG 2002 program includes competitions in snowboarding halfpipe and parallel giant slalom for men and women.