Don’t know much about algebra: Basic math in stories David Donald Training Director IRE and NICAR Western Knight Center, April 23, 2005
Innumeracy No math required by my j-school. Math ignorance as badge of honor. We’ve got our nerd. My source will give me the numbers we need. Numbers are hard, solid, cold facts.
Numeracy Numbers are a summary of the real world. Many numbers often are a guess. Many numbers often are an opinion.
Numbers v. words No more than two or three numbers in a paragraph. No more than one, maybe two, paragraphs in a row with numbers. Dates, time, spelled-out numbers count. Memorize common numbers on your beat. Think is this number up or down, big or small.
Numbers v. words Round off – and then maybe round off so more. Learn to convert to simple ratios to keep your numbers small. Always double-check your math answers. No, better triple-check.
Numbers v. words The editor’s question – Does this number make sense? So … When all the above fails, numbers belong in graphics – bar charts, tables and at last resort a bulleted break out box.
Graphics Take your graphic artist or graphic reporter to lunch. Do your calculations and bar charts in Excel, then export to Adobe Illustrator or Freehand. Learn some principles of good graphics to have quality conversations with your graphic folks.
Resources Google “misleading graphs” Get, read, study, live with Edward Tufte’s The Visual Display of Quantitative Information
Finally … Essential: Sarah Cohen’s Numbers in the Newsroom