Open Education Resources in Africa
Introduction | OER Africa OER Africa is an initiative of South African Institute for Distance Education (Saide) – Hewlett funding. OER Africa’s mandate is to drive the use of and creation of new OER in Africa by African educators. OER Africa seeks to facilitate the design of OER that can work immediately and add educational value within the current ICT infrastructure constraints of participating institutions.
So what are OER? OER are teaching, learning, and/or research resources (ranging from assets to full programmes) that have been released under an intellectual property license that permits their free use or re-purposing by others. OER include full courses, course materials, modules, textbooks, streaming videos, tests, software, and any other tools, materials, or techniques used to support access to knowledge. (adapted from: Atkins)Atkins OER, while often digital, are not synonymous with online learning or e-learning..
Why OER for Africa? Dearth of quality resources in African HE e.g. Libraries, typically contain dated resources Lack of access to prescribed texts by both students and staff (Expense & availability) Eliminate duplication of courses at HE (e.g. Chemistry I) Existing copyright/licensing models exorbitant Makes sense to adapt quality materials to our context (OER consumers) Should create, share and adapt our own resources (OER contributors)
African OER Repositories: UCT & UWC
African OER projects in process We have/are facilitating development of African OER projects in Africa: – KNUST, Ghana (Health) – University of Ibadan, Nigeria (Science) – Kenyatta University & UCM (eMBA) – USIU, Haramaya, Moi, Makerere (Agricultural Masters) – University of Malawi (Nursing & Communication Skills) etc. – UFS (Foundation programme) – VUMA! Skills Zone (Study skills tutorials for students)
VUMA! Skills Zone Free online study and life skills support Interactive tutorials, incl. use of text, video, audio, graphics, quizzes Study, language/writing, numeracy, ICT and social/personal skills
OER in Action: Bunda College 200 first year students required to study Communication Skills course No set textbook but many readings set by lecturers Prescribed texts lists but books in limited supply Need for single cheap to produce text for all Remixed OER to reflect BCA curriculum structure
Pan African OER in Action: TESSA TESSA teaching materials used by teachers in Life Skills, Science, Literacy, Numeracy, Social Science/Arts materials.
OER Adaptation Skills & Techniques There are 3 basic ways to adapt OER although numerous Reuse: Single OER, un-adapted, used as course materials or reference material. Remix: Combination of OER (either adapted or un- adapted) mixed with other material and used as course material. (e.g Bunda College textbook) Rework: OER, adapted, used as course material. (e.g TESSA project)
Challenges to Adoption OER culture not established and academics / universities cling to IPR in the hope it might become revenue stream and policy environment sometimes reflects this. Fear of loss of ownership and/or branding. OER Repositories are not comprehensive across all subjects nor unified into key sites. Skill required in remixing & reworking materials for new context. Requires capacity development. Not clear what the resources are actually being used for. Therefore materials are not packaged for particular purposes.
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