“witch hunts” “Second Red Scare” anti-communist suspicion questioning patriotism 1940s – 1950s
1949: A Time of Fear Fear of communism spreading Fear of Soviet & Chinese domination Fear of nuclear war Fear that CPUSA (50-100K members) might be loyal to USSR Fear of water fluoridation (communist plot to weaken or brainwash Americans; Dr. Strangelove)
Government Response Truman accused of being “soft” on communism Loyalty Review Board Involvement in “subversive” organizations led to investigation Secret records, no trial by jury J. Edgar Hoover (FBI Director) engaged in illegal wiretapping, opening mail, burglaries 3.2 million investigated, 212 fired, 2,900 resigned
HUAC House Un-American Activities Committee Started with subpoenas to movie business in 1947 Hollywood Ten refused to cooperate (1 st /5 th Amendments), sent to prison (6 mo. – 1 yr.) Choice: name names or remain silent 500 “blacklisted” from movie industry; MPAA says “we will not knowingly employ a Communist” McCarran Act: unlawful to plan any action that might lead to a totalitarian dictatorship; passed over Truman’s veto Immigration & Nationality Act (deportation); Communist Control Act (ballot)
Spies! Alger Hiss: former State Dept. official accused of spying for USSR Microfilm of documents typed on his computer Convicted of perjury (statute of limitations expired on espionage) in 1948, served almost 4 yrs Nixon assists prosecution, becomes VP
Ethel & Julius Rosenberg Soviets explode bomb in 1949 Manhattan Project scientist Klaus Fuchs admitted giving Soviets nuclear secrets, accuses Rosenbergs Communist Party members Plead the 5 th Found guilty of espionage, sentenced to death Both electrocuted in 1953
McCarthyism Senator Joseph McCarthy, R-Wisconsin Accused people without evidence Claimed to have lists of Communists working in the State Dept. Legislative immunity Accused members of the US Army “Have you no sense of decency, sir?” Hearings televised, decline in popularity Censured by Senate
Resistance to McCarthyism Margaret Chase Smith: Maine Republican resists McCarthyism: "freedom of speech is not what it used to be in America" Arthur Miller: The Crucible Edward R. Murrow: Good Night, and Good Luck
Effects of McCarthyism Lost jobs, destroyed careers, imprisonment Violation of Bill of Rights 39 states passed sedition laws making it illegal to advocate the violent overthrow of government Loyalty Oaths 1952 Alder v. Board of Education: school districts can fire teachers deemed to be “subversive”