T/F Magma is a mix of molten rock, gases and minerals crystals.
T/F Sandstone is a very durable igneous rock.
T/F Valuable ore deposits are found at igneous extrusions.
T/F Minerals melt and crystallize at different temperatures.
T/F Igneous rocks can be identified by their texture and crystal size.
T/F Diamonds are some found in igneous intrusions known as kimberlites.
T/F During physical weathering, chemical structure remains unchanged.
T/F Cementation must occur in order for weathering to happen.
T/F It takes large water flow to move large mass rocks.
T/F Sediments and erosion are always carried uphill.
T/F When a solution becomes saturated, precipitates begin to sink to the bottom.
T/F Sedimentary rocks form from rock and mineral fragments and metamorphic rock form from existing rock.
MC As water content in rocks increase, the melting point: A) Increase B) Decreases C) Stays the same
Intrusive igneous rocks form: A) Fine-grained rock B) on Earth’s surface C) Coarse-grained rock
Rocks are formed when magma: A) Erodes B) Crystallizes C) Weathers D) Erupts
Igneous rock that cool slowly beneath the Earth’s surface are: A) Metamorphic B) Extrusive C) Intrusive D) Light-colored
Igneous rocks that cool quickly on the Earth’s surface are: A) Intrusive B) Hard C) Fine-grained D) Magnetic
Valuable ore deposits are usually associated with: A) Oceans B) This crusted areas C) Erosion D) Igneous intrusions
T/F Lava is molten rock inside the Earth.
T/F Gabbro is a light-colored rock high in silicates.
T/F Dark-colored rocks contain Iron and Magnesium
T/F Ultramafic rock has many layers and is very light-colored.
T/F Geodes are solid extrusive igneous rocks.
T/F Diamonds can be found in veins of rock called pegmatites.
Vocabulary What is a clastic sedimentary rock made of?
Vocabulary What is deposition?
Vocabulary Explain lithification.
Vocabulary What is porosity?
MC Garnets, Rubies, Sapphires, Amethysts are: A) Kimberlites B) Pegmatites C) Night lights D)Alumilites
Rock Cycle Sedimentary rocks are made of what?
T/F Kimberlites are a valuable type of Sedimentary rock.
Rock Cycle How are metamorphic rocks formed?
Rock Cycle What has to happen to a sedimentary rock in order for it to form an igneous rock?
Rock Cycle What does Metamorphosis mean?
Rock Cycle What creates sediments?
Rock Cycle What has to happen to a metamorphic rock in order for it to change into an igneous rock?