Arthur Bryant Jeanne Cannon Ryan Sujkowski
Brief History Discuss pros and cons Analyze the Environmental effects from Coal Discuss pricing
Coal has been a source of energy since 2600 years ago Took flight in 13 th Century in the British Isles Originally Coal gas was a fad in Britain (1840s) In the 19 th Century is when the US Coal Industry took flight Northeast PA is known for being abundant with “Black Diamonds.”
Climate Stewardship Act EPA helps regulate the emission of the Greenhouse gas Elaborated version of the Natural Gas Act of 1938 Energy Market and Economic Impacts of the American Power Act Regulates emission of Greenhouse Gas based upon economic incentives Clean Water Act for fossil-fuel and nuclear power plants. EPA proposed new effluent limitation guidelines (ELGs) ELGs sets limits on the amount of pollutants that can be discharged into surface waters
Terrestrial damage/Habitat destruction / fragmentation Surface mining disrupts virtually all aesthetic elements of the landscape. Alteration of landforms often imposes unfamiliar and discontinuous configurations. New linear patterns appear as material is extracted and waste piles are developed. Different colors/textures are exposed as vegetative cover is removed and overburden dumped to the side. Dust, vibration, and diesel exhaust odors are created (affecting sight, sound, and smell). Subsidence the ground level lowers as a result of coal having been mined beneath. Aquatic damage/Physical stream damage mountaintop removal: soil and rock removed is deposited in nearby valleys, hollows and depressions, resulting in blocked (and contaminated) water ways. Destroy aquifers
Burning coal is a leading cause of smog, acid rain, & toxic air pollution. Clean Coal
Texas Clean Energy Project Working on technology to capture 90% of Carbon Received $450,000,000 from Fed. Gov’t Eliminate the cost and damage of mining Clinton administration (2003) signed the Fossil Energy Protocol Better usage of coal and oil Committed $75,000,000
PROS U.S. DOEFE Set up labs to test clean coal came up with ways to use CO 2 to their advantage coming up with alternatives for shale fracking.
CONS Quit Coal Americans spend over half of a trillion dollars on healthcare from environmental impacts from coal. Sierra Mountain Club Don’t like because mining destroys mountains and has negative environment impact Coal is Dirty Global Warming
Health Effects Deep mining Poor air filtration: black lung Collapsing Shaft explosions Child labor No OSHA laws outside of the US
Coal can be converted into other forms of energy Gasification Diesel Besides the opposition, coal is still one of the main sources of energy throughout the world It is the most economical rMH0