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Presentation transcript:


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Lesson 1Lesson 2Lesson 3Lesson 4Lesson 5

What words make up a prepositional phrase? A 100

The preposition, the object of the preposition, and any words between them. A 100

Name 3 common prepositions. A 200

Any of the words listed on pg. 316 A 200

Tyrone took a tour through the museum with us. Name the 2 prepositional phrases in this sentence. A 300

through the museum with us A 300

We skated across the lake. What is the object of the preposition in this sentence? A 400

lake A 400

We studied a model of a dinosaur in one exhibit. What are the 2 prepositional phrases in this sentence? What are the objects of the prepositions? A 500

of a dinosaur – dinosaur in one exhibit - exhibit A 500

An adjective phrase is a prepositional phrase that is acting like an… B 100

adjective B 100

Adjective phrases modify or describe… B 200

nouns or pronouns. B 200

The conductor was a famous musician from Japan. What is the adjective phrase? What word is it modifying? B 300

from Japan - musician B 300

I have studied the works from this composer. What is the adjective phrase? What word is it modifying? B 400

of this composer - works B 400

Everyone in the audience applauded the musicians. What is the adjective phrase? What word is it modifying? B 500

in the audience - everyone B 500

Adverb phrases are prepositional phrases that act like… C 100

adverbs. C 100

Adverb phrases describe or modify… C 200

verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs. C 200

He spoke with an accent. What is the adverb phrase? What word is it modifying? C 300

with an accent - spoke C 300


He graduated from a military school and won many medals. What is the adverb phrase? What word is it modifying? C 400

from a military school - graduated C 400

He became friendly with President Roosevelt. What is the adverb phrase? What word is it modifying? C 500

with President Roosevelt - friendly C 500

If the word stands alone, is it a preposition or an adverb? D 100

adverb D 100

Five noisy cats ran by. Preposition or adverb? D 200

adverb - by D 200

The bird landed on a chair. Preposition or adverb? D 300

preposition – on a chair D 300

We laughed in relief. Preposition or adverb? D 400

in relief - preposition D 400

A sparrow flew in. Preposition or adverb? D 500

in - adverb D 500

Louis brought home live fish to put (in, into) his own pond. E 100

into E 100

They (must of, must have) enjoyed the surprises he brought home. E 200

must have E 200

Wild birds perched on a pine branch (in, into) a corner of his bedroom. E 300

in E 300

His parents (could of, could have) been angry with their son’s hobby. E 400

could have E 400

As an adult, he loved teaching (in, into) the great outdoors. E 500

Correct Response Five E E 500

The classification of Mammals with pouches F 100

What are Maruspials? F 100

This second largest bird in the world is native to Australia F 200

What is the ostrich? F 200

Australia’s wild dogs F 300

What are dingos? F 300

This Australian island is the home of a devil and a wolf F 400

What is Tasmania? F 400

Although the National Bird of New Zealand, it is also indigenous to Australia F 500

What is the Kiwi? F 500

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