Jordanhill Group Fieldwork
Learning Objectives To plan and carry out research in the local are To make use of skills that you have learned in class Present findings accurately Be an effective participator in a group
Traffic Survey 1.Count the number of different vehicles that pass by during a 10 minute period and travelling in both directions. This should be done on 3 streets in your area and preferably on 2 different days/times. Use the recording table provided. 2. Measure the speed of at least 3 vehicles in the same streets that the traffic surveys were carried out in. Measure (or pace) a length of 30m. Record the time it takes for the vehicle to cover the distance. S=d/t 3. Count the number of pedestrians that pass during a 10 minute period – this can be done at the same times as the traffic counts. Count both directions. 4. Draw bar graphs to show your results for the different vehicles and flow maps to show the volume of traffic and direction of flow. Describe and explain the graphs. 5. Calculate average speed and discuss results. 6. Record traffic noise using decibel meter. Describe and explain the noise levels recorded.
Environmental Quality 1. Use the grid provided to carry out an environmental quality survey of your area. You should look at least 3 different parts of your area to give an accurate result. This is subjective i.e. based on your opinion and so this should be factored in when you discuss the results. 2. Take photographs of your area to justify the environmental quality. 3. Draw a star graph or radar graph to show your results and describe what the graph shows. 4. Print and annotate your photographs.
Land Use Mapping 1. On a base map of your area map the following information. You may use pencil and note down on map i.e. R for residential, SD for semi -detached, 2 for 2 storeys etc. a) land use (RICEPOTS classification) b) building style – choose from semi-detached, detached, flat, bungalow, terraced, cottage c) building height (count number of storeys) d) building age (pre WW2, post WW2 and post 1990s) e) map parking/traffic restrictions e.g. yellow lines, 20 speed limits, speed bumps etc. 2.Produce good copies of maps a) to d) using appropriate colours and keys. No pencils or writing 3. Draw a field sketch of housing and annotate. Annotate photograph of housing.
Factors to consider The weather! Will this make a difference to the number of pedestrians and vehicles? The time of day that you are recording information Human error You must include as much information as you can!