Verbals Review
Verbals How to identify: Function as: Gerunds Ends with -ingnoun Infinitives To + a verb Noun, adjective, or adverb Participles verb that ends in -ing (present participle) or -ed, -d, -t, -en, -n (past participle). adjectives
Exercise Directions: Circle the gerund in each sentence. On the line, tell how it is being used in the sentence: subject, direct object, predicate noun, or object of the preposition. Remember that any part of speech can be compound, meaning that there can be two or more. Helen enjoys sketching children. __________________ Swimming is good exercise. __________________ Of all my interests, I care most about swimming. __________________ Traveling gives one a chance to see many wonderful sights. __________________ A good hobby for boys can be fishing or painting. __________________ Few things are better for relaxing than a satisfying hobby. __________________ (CAREFUL - there is only one gerund in this sentence!) A good hobby and exercise can be skating. __________________
Exercise Directions: Circle the infinitive in each sentence. On the line, write its use in the sentence, as either subject, direct object, predicate noun, or object of the preposition. To summarize a report is helpful to some people. __________________ One study aid is to memorize. __________________ To persist is a valuable virtue in life. __________________ His goal was to jump the hurdles. __________________ The boat was about to leave the pier. __________________ The principal would like to see you in his office. __________________ His hobby is to collect stamps. __________________ The class is about to finish the unit of work. __________________ To hear the orchestra was a wonderful experience. __________________ The children were asked to contribute to the heart fund. __________________
Exercise Directions: Find the participle(s) in the following sentences. Be careful. Make sure the participle is modifying a noun or pronoun and not just part of a verb phrase. Draw an arrow to the noun or pronoun it modifies. 1. The blinking traffic light demanded that the motorists use caution as they went through the intersection. 2. The storms that came through last night were blinding storms, that made the cars stop on the side of the road until the rain eased up. 3. Tired and dehydrated, the hikers finally made it home. 4. Those students remaining at the museum came home about 5 p.m. 5. The test given in gym class was very challenging for the first graders. 6. Specialized tools are needed to do plumbing work. (2 here) 7. The campers were walking cautiously along the rocky edge of the cliff. 8. Stretching his legs, Jim got ready to run. 9. Working hard, Sarah finally reached her goal.