WR090 Skilled Writing through Inquiry: A Community of Scholars Examines Sustainable Food | Sustainable Agriculture Thursday, January 14, 2013 Syllabus Questions Prepositions & their Objects; What is Sustainability?
Sit together in your work groups (2-3 people that you can work with in class). Reflective Freewrite Journal Syllabus Questions The Trick to Identifying Prepositions & their Objects in Sentences Homework Due on Wednesday, January 16 th Order of Business
Reflective Freewrite Journal Write freely about what you know and remember about prepositions and their objects in sentences. A word that connects other words to help explain what you’re talking about Helps define a word in a sentence A connects a noun or pronoun to the rest of the sentence When you are finished, hook up with a few people and come up with a composite list.
Syllabus Questions 1. Will I give a quiz on the syllabus? Friday What should we study? Syllabus, portfolio guidelines, and syllabus addendum What are tickets-out-the-door? What are the things that cannot be made up—TOD, quizzes, and the workshops
What do we already know about prepositions and their objects? 1.Prepositions relate a noun or a pronoun to a specific word or words in a sentence 2.Examples
What do we already know about prepositions and their objects? 1.Prepositions relate a noun or a pronoun to a specific word or words in a sentence 2.Examples
Prepositions and Their Objects 1.Prepositions are words that state how a noun or pronoun is connected to a sentence.Prepositions 2.The word the preposition connects to the rest of the sentence is called the object of the preposition.preposition 3.Prepositions are mostly common itty-bitty words. Check out this list.list. 4.Prepositions are always found in groups of words called phrases. Phrases are groups of words without a subject and a verb. 5.Example: The dog with muddy paws is sleeping on my formerly white, clean couch.
Let’s Try Out a Few Exercises Work with your group to help me select the correct preposition.
Homework Due Wednesday, January 16th Preposition exercises, ex 4-1,