Australia & Oceania Mapping Lab Challenge 1 & 2
Great Dividing Range Cook Strait Timor Sea Weddell Sea North Island Tasman Sea Coral Sea Transantarctic Mountains Great Australian Bight Western Plateau Mt. Wilhelm Vinson Massif Darling River Lake Eyre Bismarck Archipelago
Great Dividing Range Cook Strait Timor Sea Weddell Sea North Island Tasman Sea Coral Sea Transantarctic Mountains Great Australian Bight Western Plateau Mt. Wilhelm Vinson Massif Darling River Lake Eyre Bismarck Archipelago
Great Dividing Range Cook Strait Timor Sea Weddell Sea North Island Tasman Sea Coral Sea Transantarctic Mountains Great Australian Bight Western Plateau Mt. Wilhelm Vinson Massif Darling River Lake Eyre Bismarck Archipelago
Antarctica Australia Federated States of Micronesia Fiji Kiribati Marshall Islands Nauru New Zealand Palau Papua New Guinea Samoa Solomon Islands Tonga Tuvalu Vanuatu
Antarctica Australia Federated States of Micronesia Fiji Kiribati Marshall Islands Nauru New Zealand Palau Papua New Guinea Samoa Solomon Islands Tonga Tuvalu Vanuatu
Antarctica Australia Federated States of Micronesia Fiji Kiribati Marshall Islands Nauru New Zealand Palau Papua New Guinea Samoa Solomon Islands Tonga Tuvalu Vanuatu
Antarctica Australia Federated States of Micronesia Fiji Kiribati Marshall Islands Nauru New Zealand Palau Papua New Guinea Samoa Solomon Islands Tonga Tuvalu Vanuatu
Australia & Oceania Mapping Lab Challenge 3
What is the main climate zone in Australia? semiarid continental arid tundra
What is the most populous city in New Zealand? Auckland Canberra Miami Sydney
What is the elevation of most of western Australia? 3001-4000 ft. 1001-2000 ft 6001-7000 ft. over 10,000 ft.
What is the only vegetation zone found in Antarctica? Tundra Desert Ice Fishing Ice Cap
Which economic activity is common to nearly all countries of this region? Commercial Agriculture Subsistence Farming Manufacturing Commercial Fishing
What are three abundant resources found in Australia? Gold, Coal, Precious Metals Natural Gas, Bauxite, Uranium Coal, Precious Metals, Natural Gas Uranium, Bauxite, Gold
What is the highest point in Oceania and Antarctica? Great Australian Bight Vinson Massif Transantarctic Mountains Marshall Islands
How high is Vinson Massif? 16,076 ft. 17, 067 ft. 16,067 ft. 17,760 ft.
On which continent is Vinson Massif located? Antarctica Australia Asia Africa
Which three countries in the region have areas with a population density of over 25 people per square mile? Australia, Antarctica, Micronesia New Zealand, Micronesia, Polynesia Australia, Marshall Islands, Vanatua Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea
Which two vegetation zones are commonly found between the Equator and the Tropic of Capricorn? Broadleaf Evergreen Forest & Tundra Broadleaf Evergreen Forest & Tropical Grassland Tropical Grassland & Desert Tropical Grassland & Tundra
Name two countries in Oceania that have both Broadleaf Evergreen Forests and Tropical Grasslands? New Zealand and Micronesia Papua New Guinea and New Zealand Australia and New Zealand Australia and Papua New Guinea
What is the most common climate zone found between the equator and 10 S? Humid Continental Tropical Wet Ice Cap Tropical Dry
Australia & Oceania Mapping Lab Challenge 4
Which two large landmasses in this region have huge expanses of land with very low population density? Antarctica and New Zealand Antarctica and Kiribati c. Antarctica and Australia Antarctica and Japan
What is the climate along the center of Papua New Guinea? Humid Continental Humid Subtropical Ice Cap Highlands
What physical feature explains the highland climate found in Papua New Guinea? The mountain range through the middle of the country The desert that runs through the middle of the country The canyon that runs through the middle of the country The river that runs through the middle of the country
Name three cities in this region with a population of 1 million people or more? Brisbane, Auckland, and Tokyo Brisbane, Melbourne, and Perth Brisbane, Adelaide, and Tokyo Brisbane, Sydney, and Kiribati
How does climate explain why these large cities are located where they are? They are located in areas with a frigid climate They are located in areas with an arid climate They are in areas with a mild climate There is no climate pattern for location
What is the primary type of land use in Australia? Commercial Farming Livestock Raising Commercial Forestry Commercial Mining