A dynamic new competency testing system An initiative delivered by the Construction Safety Council
Construction Safety Council Who we are and what we do New Zealand’s peak health and safety body for the construction industry Represents civil, residential and commercial construction (including specialist trades) Objective: to improve the safety performance of New Zealand’s construction industry through sharing knowledge, tools and industry led initiatives
Testing industry competency An online test that assesses health and safety competency of those who work on site Objective: to improve safety competency within the New Zealand construction industry Allows the identification of knowledge gaps in industry Provides an opportunity for CSC to work with stakeholders to develop targeted training material and measure impact Mobile application and smart card allows verification of skills and captures other training records Tier 1 scheme to be launched 4 April 2016.
The framework Assesses health and safety competency at four tiers: Tier 1: General; launch 4 April 2016 Tier 2: Trade; first scheme - Plant Operators (roading industry) launch Q Tier 3: Supervisory; launch Q Tier 4: Managerial; launch Q Each tier is benchmarked against international best practice Reciprocal agreements currently being investigated in the UK (2016) and Australia (2017).
About the test Delivered through CSC appointed ConstructSafe test centres Can be carried out anywhere using latest mobile technology Includes visual/audio support for those with literacy challenges Comprises 50 questions randomly generated from a question pool Industry developed content Knowledge can be obtained through: Existing knowledge and experience Home study Attending a training course designed to improve knowledge.
Successful trials Successful trials carried out various sites: 1. Transmission Gully, Wellington 2. The Causeway Alliance, West Auckland 3. Marlborough roading projects, Blenheim 4. Albany Highway upgrades, North Auckland 5. City Rail Link, Auckland 6. Ebert Construction, Auckland small to medium business throughout New Zealand Assessed Tier 1 competence of more than 825 candidates
Business model ConstructSafe is a registered not-for-profit limited company Test costs $60 per candidate Cost covers Systems maintenance and development Collateral e.g. verified ID cards, marketing material, etc. Associated test center costs Operational overheads Any profit will be used to support small to medium businesses in health and safety development such as scholarships or sponsorship