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Presentation transcript:


A few housekeeping tips first Session 1 9:15 – 11:00 Morning tea 25 minutes Session 211:25 – 12:50 Lunch 30 minutes Session 3 1:20 – 2:30 Passports and pens Dietary requirements Photos Emergency exit Toilets Horn of Justice

Understand the work of Caritas Meet with students from other schools Learn more about life in Cambodia Find out about the 2016 Caritas Challenge Eyes opened to injustice in the world Discuss strategies to be a leader for justice Have fun!

Opening Prayer

Almighty God, You are the supreme example of justice and truth, Open our ears to hear the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor. Challenge us to slow down and listen for your voice amongst all of the noises in our lives.

Help us see the world with your eyes. Our world. Your world. Your creation. We pray that today you will write on our hearts the challenge you have for each of us to be your light in this world.

To be leaders for justice promoting truth, peace and love. Speak Lord. And help us to hear. AMEN.

A Slice of Cambodia Donderm Sluk Chaue and Sey you say?!

Justice Rotations

Take a break Help yourself to a drink and some snacks for morning tea Have a chat with others Show off your talents in Sepak Takraw and Sey

To live charitably means not looking out for our own interests, but carrying the burdens of the weakest and poorest among us. Pope Francis