Nishioka, also known as one of the Five Mountains, is located in Weinan Huayin City of Shaanxi Province, southern China, 120 kilometers west of Xi'an, the majority of the Chinese territory, the 120 km near the really count. Metin pull to Huashan Mountain, surrounded by such as cutting, more thousand feet buildings, accomplished by Gap, Cang Long Ridge, kite stand up, the sky along the cliff and so on very steep land, known as the " odd dangerous mountain Tianxiadiyi "
Can you imagine this height?
After watching this world- famous Mountain, of course, it’s time to taste the local cuisine. When it comes to Xi'an food, you must try this so-called the best Xi'an cuisine Hamburger.
Terra - is located in Lintong District, 7.5 km east of the northern foot of Lishan, three pit finished shape, with a total area of 22,780 square meters.