Overview Presentation December 2007 MKT-NVO-P-002E
NetVu ObserVer Viewing client designed to provide all the functionality of a traditional viewing environment through a PC. Provides seamless viewing and connection to NetVu Connected DVR’s Can display up to 36 different cameras from 36 different DVR’s on the same screen Compatible with BS8418 compliant systems such as DS2 and DV-IP Server Free software shipped with all NetVu Connected DVR’s and available as a download from dedicatedmicros.com
Seamless Viewing Full, picture in picture, quad, 6, 9, 16 and 25 way viewing screens allows the user to flexibly display live or recorded images Drag and drop control of cameras onto the screen for live or replay viewing Multiscreen layouts in both 4:3 and 16:9 formats User interface provides control of all live and recorded functions including audio, telemetry, alarm receiving and event search Map Editor function allows creation & tailoring of maps to suit the customers application RVRC functionality for alarm receiving centres Export video to AVI Text display allows information from systems such as POS and ATM machines to be viewed, in association with captured video, via a dedicated window Audio challenge and eavesdrop MultiMode Recording support
Map Control / Editor To simplify multi-site management - NetVu ObserVer incorporates Map support Users are able to use map images and floor plans to identify camera locations around a site, installation or CCTV network. A Free Map Editor plug-in allows users to construct their own network of site plans.
NetVu ObserVer RVRC solutions Essential remote viewing software for RVRC’s –Receiving and Auto Serving alarms to multiple stations Enables even man power management in large RVRC’s –Export of Data as reports Provides information to manage RVRC and provide charging data to customers Provides information to manage site maintenance such as unusual alarm levels and performance analysis Reports can be created in PDF with the facility for operator comments –Stack alarms in priority Provides the important alarms first –RVRC User log in and validation Enables traceability of actions to specific operators for customer management –Characterization Enables operator to respond and review the alarm and then characterise the alarm session with a code and text prior to closure. –Bi Directional Audio challenge Enables deterrent and immediate response to illegal activity
ObserVer RVRC Operation Event Distribution Point Events Sessions Video archive Report Extract Reports Characterize
New Features of 1.8 New features available on v1.8 include: Export to AVI Format Enables customers to generate a simple file that can be played on any PC with standard media players and most DVD players. Enhanced Smart Activity Search Multiple areas can be selected in the screen and an easier user interface has been defined
New Features of 1.8 New features available on v1.8 include: Video Review bar for frame by frame viewing of downloaded video –Quick navigation of downloaded video –Click on the bar to move immediately to a new location in the recorded video file. Multiscreen layouts in 4:3 and 16:9 –Allows the addition of: 6 way - 3x2, 12 way - 4x3 and 24 way - 6x4 format layouts for viewing cameras. Connect Live on remote alarm (EDP) –Central stations can view what is happening now, rather than the initial trigger of the incident –If the incident then needs to be reviewed, it can be selected and will replay video from that point.
New Features of 1.8 New features available on v1.8 include: Google Earth Integration for TransVu applications –Allows TransVu users, to track and display vehicle positions using the Google Earth package, –Use when TransVu is integrated with a GPS system Create PDF reports as evidential record of an incident –Enables a PDF report to be produced as an evidential record of an incident –The operator can document the incident with comments before the PDF is created and saved Multiple Zone cameras displayed on report of a remote alarm
Benefits Single PC client for all NetVu connected products Multi-site viewing facility makes site management more efficient and responses to events even quicker Map application allows diagrammatic representation of camera / site locations Multi-site viewing MultiMode Recording support Smart Search Map integration for hierarchical approach to camera selection. Saved Selection of Views
Compatible Products DS2 DV-IP Server TransVu BX2 DV-IP Codec / Encoder DV-IP RT DS Server Eco9 Eco16 SD Range NetVu Console CamVu 2000
Summary PC Viewing client for NetVu Connected DVR’s Multi-Site Management through Map GUI, drag and drop control of cameras and site tree RVRC Support through –Event management –Session support –Report creation –Incident characterisation Free software shipped with all NetVu Connected DVR’s and available as a download from dedicatedmicros.com