Feb. 1, Party that challenges the 2 major parties? Third Party Third Party
Current events
Section 1 Review 3-4 Sentences
Obstacles to Third Parties
Who am I??? 1 st president to ride in an airplane 1 st president to ride in an airplane Was America’s youngest president Was America’s youngest president 1 st president to leave continental U.S. while in office (Panama) 1 st president to leave continental U.S. while in office (Panama) was shot on October 14, 1912 just before giving a speech during his run as "Bull Moose" candidate was shot on October 14, 1912 just before giving a speech during his run as "Bull Moose" candidate
Theodore Roosevelt Unit 3 p In what leadership role did Teddy serve early in life? 1. In what leadership role did Teddy serve early in life?
2. How did Roosevelt first become president? 2. How did Roosevelt first become president? 3. How did Roosevelt show his interest in conservation of natural resources? 3. How did Roosevelt show his interest in conservation of natural resources? 4. Why did Roosevelt and his supporters form the Progressive Party? 4. Why did Roosevelt and his supporters form the Progressive Party?
Photo Story 3