Pediatric Vision Care Bill Takeshita, O.D.,F.A.A.O., F.C.O.V.D.
Questionnaire Pre-natal history Peri-natal complications Developmental history Signs and symptoms check list Authorization to release information
Make Your Office Fun Photograph of the play area in waiting room
Begin with Something Fun Photo of child looking at OKN
Eye Movement Testing Fixation: Ability to keep eyes steady on the target. Nystagmus is the uncontrollable shaking of the eyes. Versions or pursuits: Ability to follow a moving target (Parietal lobe of brain) Saccades: Ability to shift the eyes from one target to another, such as when reading. (Front lobe of brain). Eye-hand coordination testing
Convergence Testing Convergence is the ability to cross or bring both eyes together when reading. Poor convergence is a leading cause of the inability to read Double vision Headaches Loss of place when reading
Binocular Vision Photograph of left esotropia Photograph of right exotropia
Pseudo-esotropia Photo of pseudo esotropia
Depth Perception Photograph of stereo test
Color Vision Photo of color vision test
Peripheral Vision Testing Photo of Humphrey Test of finger confrontation
Teller Acuity Photo of Teller Photo of Lea Symbol cards
Lea Symbols Photograph of lea symbols
Photo of M and S System
Distance Acuity Photo of ETDRS Photo of Feinbloom
Pinhole Test photograph of pinhole
Refraction Illustration of perspective with e on macula
Retinoscopy Spot retinoscope versus streak Dry and wet retinoscopy Make spectacles with various powers 10-foot retinoscopy
Reading Acuity test Photo of Game Card Photo of continuous text
Ocular Examination Inspect internal structures to determine the most usable regions of the eye to enhance vision Rule out active eye disease that must be treated medically Photograph of doctor examining patient with slit lamp
Hand Held Slit Lamp Photo of Kowa hand held
Developmental Eye Movement Test Photograph of Test C
Gardner Test of Visual Perception, Revised Edition TVPS
DTVP-2 Photograph of DTVP-2
Prescribing Suggestions
Enhanced Vision Acrobat Photograph of woman putting on make up