Keystone Exams Tests to be administered May 16 th through 27 th Testing for students who are currently enrolled in Algebra I, Biology and/or English 10 and those who have completed one of the courses but have not yet tested, or not scored Proficient
Keystone Exams Students who score Proficient Scores will be “BANKED” declaring that the student has met the graduation requirement Students who DO NOT score Proficient Will have to take the test again in December Possible remediation course scheduled
Keystone Exams On the testing day Each student will be assigned to a testing room – you will receive a pass in advisory with that information ** You must go to your regular advisory on testing days** Students are asked to PLEASE leave your cell phones and other electronic devices at home If you forget, please leave them in your locker If you bring them to the testing room » You will be asked to turn in your electronic device to your test administrator » Students will be responsible for identifying their device by placing it in an envelope and labeling it with their name » The device will be returned after testing
Keystone Exams Electronic Device Policy Electronic devices will be turned off at all times. The consequence for using and/or having a cell phone or other electronic device during the test administration will result in the application of a “Do Not Score” label on your test booklet. If a student uses a cell phone or electronic device in any manner during the administration of the test, the phone or electronic device will be confiscated until such time that the parent or guardian can come to the school to pick it up. The violation of the no cell phone or other electronic device rule will result in discipline and that discipline will vary depending on whether test materials have been compromised. The consequences will follow the discipline policy of the CASD. Administrators and teachers will remind students of the consequences if they should have these devices in their possession after being asked not to have them in class and after being given an opportunity to silence them and turn them into the Test Administrator. PDE has indicated that it will hold parents/guardians fiscally responsible if test security is violated and test questions need to be replaced.
Calculator Policy Calculators will be provided for the Algebra Exam The following are NOT permitted for the Keystone Exams: Non-calculators such as cell phones, smart phones, smart watches, PDAs, laptops, tablets, pocket organizers, etc.; calculators with infrared, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or other beaming or wireless capabilities, unless the beaming or wireless capabilities are disabled; calculators with QWERTY keyboards, typewriter-like keyboards, or keypads (e.g., Dvorak); calculators with built-in Computer Algebra Systems (CAS); calculators that make noise, have paper tape, need to be plugged in, or talk. Sharing of calculators by students during a test session The storing of nonfactory programs or information in the calculator.
Code of Conduct for Test Takers Do: Listen to, read, and follow all directions given. Ask questions if you do not understand the directions. Read each question carefully, especially multiple- choice items that ask for the “best answer.” Also, be sure to read any open-ended items and writing prompts carefully before responding. Be careful when marking your answers so that you do not skip spaces or fill in the wrong selections.
Code of Conduct for Test Takers, cont. Do: Make sure to completely fill in the bubble for the answer you select and erase completely any answers you change. Keep your eyes on your own test. Try to answer each test item. Check that you have completed all the test items in the test section before closing your test booklet. Report any suspected cheating to your teacher or principal.
Code of Conduct for Test Takers, cont. DO NOT: Bring notes with you to the test. Bring any electronic devices other than an approved calculator, if applicable, to the test. Share a calculator with others. Use the bubbles in the answer booklet to either eliminate possible incorrect answers or possible correct answers. Mark only the bubble for the one correct answer you have chosen. Talk with others about questions on the test during or after the test. Take notes about the test to share with others.