Japanese in the US During WWII: The other side of story Supplemental.


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Presentation transcript:

Japanese in the US During WWII: The other side of story Supplemental

Japanese Imperialism: Meiji Restoration to the End of WWII Meiji ( ) Taisho ( ) Showa ( [1989]) Russo-Japanese War 1931 Occupied Manchuria 1933 Withdrawn from League of Nations nd Shino-Jap. War /7 Attack Pearl Harbor 12/8 Invasion of Thailand 1942 Battle of Midway /6 Hiroshima 8/9 Nagasaki 7/15 Surrender WWII ( ) Wars with Neighboring Asian Countries Shino-Japan War Pacific War ( )

Japanese Immigration Starts (1890-) An Open Door: 1853 Commodore Matthew Perry’s arrival  1880’s: Emigration begin (more than 400,000 Japanese left between )  Two most popular destinations were Hawaii and Pacific coast if the US  By 1900 Japanese formed small communities within towns (e.g. San Francisco’s Japan Town and Los Angels’ Little Tokyo)

Path to the Pacific War ( ) Right-wing Militaristic Faction controlled domestic and foreign policy in Japan  1940 Three-Poser Pact was singed win Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy and Imperial Japan  1941 Elementary school was renamed to National school (based on Nazi’s school system) to train desirable little-citizens  1941 The military moved into French Indochinese (Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia)  causing the US to stop exporting petroleum to Japan completely  Pearl Habor

International Disapproval of Japan’s Activities Effects of Russo-Jap. War  International disapproval in activities China  Anti-Japanese movement in China  Anti-Japanese nativism in California.

Anti-Japanese in the US Anti-Asian movement in California  Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882  Alien Land Law of 1913: the law prohibited “aliens ineligible for citizenship” from owning agricultural land and possessing long- term Leases over it—targeting Japanese

The Immigration Act of 1924  limited the number of immigrants allowed entry into the United States through a national origins quota. The quota provided immigration visas to two percent of the total number of people of each nationality in the US (based on 1890 census)  It completely excluded immigrants from Japan and China.

Japanese Internment, February of 1942 President Franklin D. Roosevelt ordered the incarceration of Japanese shortly after the attack on Pearl Harbor  Between 110,000 and 120,000people of Japanese ancestry who lived on the Pacific coast in camps in the interior of the country.  62% were United States citizens.

Irony: The US and Nazi Making Same Mistakes

Which picture was taken in the US?

Which train goes to Auschwitz?

Relocation or Concentration Camp?

Anti-racial Propaganda in the US

Anti-racial Propaganda in the US and Europe