Political Forces of Change in Today’s World Chapter 1 Political Forces of Change in Today’s World
What is Politics? A process that regulates conflict within a society Three major conflicts: People differ over their beliefs, either religious or personal. People differ over the goals of society. People differ over how the gov’t. spends its limited resources. Harold Lasswell – “who gets what, when and how.” Most definitions refer to the struggle over the distribution of benefits
What is government and why is it needed? An institution, or permanent structures, of decision makers who possess the power to enforce rules that impose order and stability on a society Authority, Legitimacy, Power
Who Governs? Sources of Political Power: Totalitarian Regimes Direct Democracies Representative Democracies
Characteristics of American Democracy Consent of the governed Republican form of government Limited government Universal suffrage Majority rule, but with the protections for minorities (Bill of Rights).
Theories of Democracy Elite theory – the idea that society is ruled by a small group who exercise power in their self-interest Pluralism – a theory that views politics as conflict among interest groups, where decisions are made through bargaining and compromise Hyperpluralism – when interest groups are so powerful that they dominate decision-making, making individual input impossible
What is political culture? The collection of a beliefs and attitudes toward government and the political process held by a community or nation Individuals learn political culture through political socialization Political socialization occurs in many settings, including the (#1) family and schools
Characteristics of American political culture Liberty –the greatest freedom of individuals that is consistent with the freedom of other individuals in society Equality – all people are of equal worth Property – anything that can be subject to ownership
The Changing Face of America
Ethnic Change in America
What is ideology? A comprehensive set of beliefs about the nature of people, institutions and the role of government American ideology tends to be moderate Liberals advocate government action to improve the welfare of individuals Conservatives advocate a limited role for the national government.
Political trends in ideology today: Neo-conservatives The Christian Right and Christian Coalition American Family Association (1977) Founder: Rev. Donald Wildom Moral Majority (1979) Founders: Rev. Jerry Falwell Rev. Pat Robertson