Transforming Lives for Good
Education since1998
How can we work with you? A bespoke programme shaped by you and delivered in close partnership with you. Much more than respite Flexible to suit the needs of the individuals and you as a group of schools. Flexibility in the use of places to allow for roll on and roll off. Flexibility in how places are used each term so you are never paying for places you don’t use.
So much more than just a programme TLG Bradford Central is partnered with Light Church who are committed to supporting whole families in Bradford. Parenting courses, CAP money management courses, food bank, family support workers TLG Early Intervention Secondary – working with individual students coaching them in school once a week. Youth workers and out of school activities Accredited outdoor and experiential learning programme with Emerge on Wednesdays. Volunteer support workers to help with transition back into school. “Secondary school is where it all really started: I built up a strong, fearful reputation and I loved it. Exclusions upon exclusions again…. Being at TLG made me think ‘people here are going out of their way to do great things for you, why not treat them that way?” Danny Dorgu, University Student
Bradford Central- Location
Hope Park Fully equipped classrooms in a business environment Fully integrated 1 to 1 learning with iPads. Hi spec music and sports facilities.
What do we offer for KS4? A core curriculum of Functional English and Maths qualifications and preparation for English and Maths GCSE. Aim Award Skills for Employment and Further Learning (SEFL) which includes PSD units. BTEC Sport ECDL - ICT Extended work experience placements.
What about the quality? TLG Bradford is an independent school inspected by Ofsted and rated as ‘Good’. “TLG’s provision is outstanding for social development. They promote a well structured and well organised learning environment, within which pupils are able to develop their personal and social skills by taking greater personal responsibility for their behaviour” “Pupils with a statement of special educational need also make good progress in relation to their capabilities because of the targeted and focused support provided by the school.” “The school’s approach to the tracking and evaluation of students’ progress is exemplary.” June 2014
What does it cost if you don’t? Average amount of staff time per pupil per term in 2013: (Meetings, phone calls, chasing around, parent meetings etc) 10 hours tutor = £ hours head of year/ pastoral manager = £ hours Assistant Head = £420 5 hours Deputy Head = £190 Total of £1,365 worth of staff time spent.
Where’s the points? Name: Jonny Age: 14 Status: Excluded from 3 different schools. Average of 3a in English and Maths. Attendance at previous school 54%. Where’s the points for Jonny? Ebac? Progress 8? 5 A*-C including English and Maths? 5 A*-C’s? 5 GCSE’s A*-G? 1 GCSE A*-G? Reality is that Jonny can just about write his address and is beginning to develop the ability of converting mm into cm. He is where he is because he has missed so much school. And we all knew this back in year 7.
Contact us Website: Andy Moughtin – Head Teacher Phone: Mobile: