supported by a local government initiative sharing nationally to improve services locally An Introduction to …
supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Objectives London and the Southeast TLC 11 March 2009 An appreciation of – Toolkit Structure Main Features Vocabulary Help
supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Practical Walk Through Logging on and identifying your Main Administrator Changing your password & ‘My Profile’ Local Government Service List (LGSL) Local Service Tree – and how to localise it Interactions Channels & Volumes Review of information potential (tabs - local, core, shared) Flipping the tree File exchange Projects database People finder NeSDS Reports Help Functionality – light bulbs & links, Forums & Building Blocks
supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Logging on… Registering & logging on Subscription Status Who is your Main Administrator?
supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative My Profile Personal details & preferences: Change password Contact details esd-toolkit options Personal details Photograph Forum preferences – watch them!
supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative LGSL Controlled list - Local Government Service List (LGSL) Defines what LAs deliver & is being expanded to cover public sector services delivered in partnerships Flat list that fits within organisation’s corporate structure List of services provided to public in language that council staff understand 1144 Services in Version 3.04 Can be ‘localised’ in esd-toolkit to gain most value
supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Potential of LGSL LGSL is not a navigation list Should be used in conjunction with other controlled lists: Interactions, Channels & Audience (LGIL, LGChL & LGAL) Once localised to your LA you can: Cost the service Show channel shift Benchmark with other LAs Re-engineer / restructure Record other data against the service e.g. FAQs, legislation, documents, SLAs, software etc
supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Benefits of LGSL Gives a common language & definition of a service so you know what you are delivering (compare / cost / share / map etc.) Ensures all services are represented within the council’s structure / plans / website Enables Business Process Management Outputs in xml can be directly input into systems Saves time & effort / helps make business cases Supports partnership & shared service delivery Maps to ‘family of lists’ in the esd-toolkit Centrally maintained / cuts risk
supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Local Service Tree ???
supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Tree views of services esd-toolkit is based on core list of council services (LGSL) Held in hierarchical structure or in simple terms - tree structure Each tree has ‘branches’ and ‘leaves’. The branches of the local tree are usually the council departments and sub-departments, The leaves are the services offered by those departments.
supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Localising your tree Localise/model tree to suit your LA (if subscribed) Not all services applicable to each & every LA: templates – District, County, Unitary/Met, London Borough Localising helps gain buy-in from service managers & users Mappings to controlled lists Manage/maintain service information Align documents, projects, channels, volumes etc.
supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Interactions Applications for Service Booking Venues, Resources and Courses Collecting Revenue Consultation Paying for Goods and Services Procurement Providing Access to Community and other Networks Providing Benefits and Grants Providing Information Regulation
supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Channels Face to Face Telephone Web Non-Electronic (Post) Other Electronic –Bacs – –i-DTV –Kiosks –SMS
supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Volumes By service interaction & channel Monthly or daily transaction volumes Potential to share & see other LA volumes – 3 services over 3 months (minimum) Download Volume CSV file for relevant year Edit/add volume data Upload file Alternatively, input data direct via browser interface
supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Review of information potential (tabs – local, core & shared) Local –Details –Documents –Interactions –Channels –Barriers –Officers –Partners –Projects –FAQs –Efficiency –Forms –Webpages –Cost modelling Core –>Details –>Documents –>Interactions –Content –>FAQs –Standards –>Forms Shared –>Projects –>FAQs –Suppliers –>Forms –>Webpages
supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Flipping the tree Mappings between services & various controlled lists enable tree flipping See your local tree mapped to LGAL, LGAtL, LGBCL, LGCS, LGIL, LGNL where relevant See at a glance all services which have interaction ‘paying for goods & services’ & more!
supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative File exchange Provides secure 1GB storage for all subscribed esd-toolkit organisations Repository for all electronic media within esd- toolkit –text documents, spreadsheets, PDFs, powerpoints, pictures, graphs, project plans & audio visual files Provides simple indexing, searching, version control with file locking for editing Allows controlled document sharing Used by dispersed groups as collaborative tool
supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Projects database Central repository for all local, regional & national project information Shared learning, best practise & advice Opportunities to contact people who have been there & done it in order to avoid ‘reinventing the wheel’ A better understanding of how projects impact on LA services
supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative People finder Peer support mechanism Builds on esd-toolkit communities willingness to share nationally to improve locally Securely search for other esd-toolkit users - various search parameters & pick lists Search fields based on My Profile
supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Customer profiling Phase I and II Project completed, now in Phase III Volumes and postcode data captured Profile data at Ward Level available Cost to serve (cost to access) Closed forum for Project members Reports available Inform Customer Access Strategy
supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative NeSDS Developed by 200 LAs for LAs Ready made road map for service delivery improvement/transformation Utilisation of technology to support service delivery Includes management processes & links to relevant guidance Not technical standards
supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative NeSDS STANDARDS: Three levels Minimum - relates to current English ‘e’ Govt Targets & associated good practice Progressing & Excellent levels stretch the service beyond these requirements 2-5 year timeframe for Excellent
supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Reports Access to data stored in esd-toolkit Formats – csv, xml, html Grouped –Costs & efficiencies –Customer profiling –Partnership working –Service delivery standards –Services/interactions/channels –Transactions/volumetrics –Other Various BBs on reportsreports
supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Help functionality Light bulbs & links Forums - ‘Watch’ & change visibility in My profile Training materials page – 108 Building Blocks (BB) –Split into 16 categories
supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative
supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative
supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative
supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative aspxhttp:// aspx /Root.aspx /Root.aspx