New Website - Major Changes The website is now mobile friendly - pages will scale to device screen size (responsive design). Exception - pages that contain complex data tables (e.g. sensors) 2.The new website provides better adherence to accessibility standards (e.g. vision or mobility challenged The new website contains built in SEO (search engine optimization) support – helps search engines index your content better. 4.On the existing website, maintenance is manual. The new website is database driven - can populate a lot of content dynamically. Updates easier through the Content Management System (Wordpress) e.g., news updates. Also, Ocean Colour Sensors are set up as a specific post type – edits will automatically populate to the grid. 5. “News” area been overhauled. The main news page shows the 8 most recent news items (can be altered) in categories which are searchable – categories can be altered. 6.On the right are social media sharing buttons. Easy way for site visitors to share links to your pages though their social media accounts. Also option to share the page via .
Banner appears on all pages as you scroll down Feature image changes every few seconds (or manually) Drop down menus. News drop down permanent New IOCCG Website
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1) About IOCCG History of IOCCG IOCCG Structure IOCCG Objectives and Terms of Reference Committee Members (current and past) Sponsors 2) Science/Publications Current Scientific Working Groups (HABS, Uncertainties, Atm Corr, WQ, Modelling) Reports from past IOCCG Working Groups (links to reports and websites) IOCCG commissioned articles published in backscatter?? Ocean Colour Bibliography and New References 3) CEOS OCR-VC INSITU-OCR White Paper: IOCCG Task Force for the Assessment of Ocean Colour Essential Climate Variables (ECVs) IOCCG Task Force on Ocean Colour Satellite Sensor Calibration 4) Missions, Instruments and Data (with links to specifications for 25 sensors) Current, Scheduled, Historical missions Ocean Colour Data (current/historic missions, in situ, synthesized data for testing algs) Software (for processing OC data, software used in IOCCG Report 5) 5) News Archive: Current and past IOCCG News Bulletins since 2000 (68 in total), Join the IOCCG Mailing List 6) Meetings Minutes of IOCCG Committee Meetings (20 in total) Upcoming Ocean-Colour Related Meetings/Workshops IOCCG Travel Claim Form 7) IOCS Symposia 2013, 2015 and 2017 IOCS meetings Follow-up workshops from IOCS ) Training and Education Upcoming IOCCG Training Courses/ reports of past courses/videos and presentations Training Courses and Fellowships from Other Organizations Handbook of Satellite Remote Sensing Image Interpretation (PRESPO/IOCCG). IOCCG Fellowship Recipients Educational Links and Resources 9) Relevant Links Job Opportunities International Programmes and Organisations Image gallery or links t NASA/ESA images 10) Contact Us IOCCG Project Office