H-CARE: “Launching of Sector Skills Alliance for Training & Apprenticeship of Health Care and Food Supplements Salespersons” LLP TR-LEONARDO-LMP TITLE: WP6 - Presentation of the pilot phase in Romania Presented by: P3 Prof. PhD. Gabriela CIOBANU
Partner 3 “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi Romania
(A) Short presentation of the Romanian team (B) Romanian team contribution in the project (c) Presentation of the pilot phase in Romania CONTENT
(A) Short presentation of the ROMANIAN team (P3 – TUIasi)
“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi (in Romanian: Universitatea Tehnic ă "Gheorghe Asachi" din Iai) is a public university located in Iai, Romania Iasi district Iasi city Romania
TUIasi Rectorate building “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi (TUIasi) TUIasi logo
“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi has the OLDEST tradition in Romania in engineering education (from 1860) is ranked the FIRST among the technical institutions of higher education is ranked the FOURTH among all universities (about 200) in Romania in the national research ranking
“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi has - 11 Faculties - 3 Departments on Education and Training - 1 University Library - 1 Student Campus
FACULTIES - Faculty of Architecture - Faculty of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering - Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Environmental Protection - Faculty of Civil Engineering and Building Services - Faculty of Electrical Engineering - Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology - Faculty of Hydrotechnical Engineering, Geodesy and Environmental Engineering - Faculty of Machine Manufacturing and Industrial Management - Faculty of Material Science and Engineering - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering - Faculty of Textiles, Leather and Industrial Management
Established as a reference and research technical library, “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University Library holds about 1 million volumes covering a wide range of subjects on engineering and technology, science, economics and law. UNIVERSITY LIBRARY The University Library is hosted in the University Palace house
"Tudor Vladimirescu" Campus area The University Campus accommodates about 8,100 students, in 21 residence halls, in the “Tudor Vladimirescu” Campus area, which is near the university grounds and is situated at 5 minutes from the city center. STUDENT HOUSING
Manager: Professor Ph.D. Chem. Margareta Gabriela CIOBANU Researcher/teacher/trainer/technic: Professor Ph.D. Chem. Constantin LUCA Associate professor Ph.D. Eng. Maria HARJA Associate professor Ph.D. Eng. Camelia SOLDEA Associate professor Ph.D. Florin Alexandru LUCA Associate professor Ph.D. Eng. Eugen Vasile HOROBA Lecturer Ph.D. Mihaela Anca MOCANU Assistant Ph.D. Eng. Sofronia BOUARIU Assistant Ph.D. Eng. Ana Simona BARNA Administrative: Economist Gabriela POPESCU Engineering Gabriel FLOREA Partner P3 team structure
P3 - team
(B) Romanian team contribution in the project
- Creating the content of the Module 4 “TRADING WITH FOOD SUPPLEMENTS” - Translation of all modules in Romanian - Development of initial entrance test for evaluation of the preliminary knowledge of the learners (piloters) - Identification and recruitment of the piloters - Training sessions - Internship P3 contribution
(C) Presentation of the pilot phase in Romania
1) ENTRANCE EXAM for the course „Health care and food supplement salesperson”
THE ENTRANCE EXAM 1) Announcement on “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi / site – online 2) Announcement on Newspaper: “BUNĂ ZIUA IAŞI” 3) Announcement on Newspaper: “Iasi.Ziare.com” Announcement in mass media
1) Announcement on “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi / site – online Date: web page - in English: THE ENTRANCE EXAM
2) Announcement on Newspaper: “BUNĂ ZIUA IAŞI” Date: web page: THE ENTRANCE EXAM
3) Announcement on Newspaper: “Iasi.Ziare.com” Date: web page: din-iasi http:// din-iasi THE ENTRANCE EXAM
- Entrance exam was attended by 92 candidates - From all the candidates were selected 46 people - Piloters recruited are: - both women and men, - aged between 19 and 48 years - students, unemployed or employed The entrance exam was held on 13 November 2015
2) Training sessions
H-CARE - Course Schedule - Training sessions
- The course started in February 2016 and was finalised in April The trainees attended the 22 training courses concerning the 8 modules - At the end of each module, the trainees were given a verification test - Each verification test comprises 20 multiple choice questions - Finally, the trainees were given a test from all modules in order to select the participants at a conference in Brussels - 7 learners were selected to Brussels Training sessions
3) Internship
- Internship was conducted during April - May The host company for Internship was: Clinical pharmacy of the Hospital of Pneumoftiziology, Iasi (Farmacia clinica a Spitalului de Pneumoftiziologie din Iasi) - All learners have performed 120 hours of practice. Internship