By: Kyle Watts, Spencer Stacey, and Kyle Bolt.
To create a boat that can hold the most pennies without sinking, of course.
There are two primary forces acting on this science experiment. The first force is gravity. Gravity is trying to pull the tin foil and pennies downward. The force of buoyancy is pushing the boat toward the surface. The gravitational force is determined by the weight of the tin foil and the weight of the pennies in the boat. The force of buoyancy is the weight of the water displaced by the boat. Your boat will continue to float as long as the force of buoyancy is greater than the force of gravity and you do not overload the boat so it will tip over or leak.
Step 1: fold all 4 ends of the paper up to be at least 2cm high so water wont fall in from the sides. Step 2: make sure that the edges are connected. Step 3: your done.
Paper boat S.S trollB.B.E.A.I.W.B.A.O. Y.N.J.K Aesthetics Easy to make6 4 9 Buoyancy 7 7 8
We think our boat will hold more than 150 pennies
Our boat held 131 penny's with is 19 less then we predicted.