~ GLEN ROCK MIDDLE/HIGH SCHOOL MEDIA CENTER ~ Where knowledge is the “key” ========================== Staff : Mrs. Kraut, Mrs. Mitchell, Mr. Warren Hours: 7:20am-3:30pm (M-Thurs.) 7:20am-3:07 pm (F) 7:00pm-9:00pm (Tues. &Thurs. evenings) Usage: Before and after school From class with a teacher’s pass During SIT/Option time
~ FIRE DRILL PROCEDURE ~ ======================= Use the ramp or steps to exit the Media Center via the Hamilton Lobby doors. Do not exit through the courtyard entrance/exit. Quickly and quietly walk to the exit. Leave all personal belongings on tables. Push chairs in. If possible, wait for a teacher to lead you out. All students must remain with their class when outside. Return to the Media Center after the fire drill.
~ GROUND RULES ~ =========================== Respect all Media Center property. Respect the rights of your classmates and teacher. Maintain a quiet atmosphere by speaking in a low voice. Keep talking to a minimum. Return all borrowed materials on time so they may be used by others. Return books and reference materials to their proper location. PLEASE! NO FOOD, GUM, CANDY or DRINKS anywhere in the Media Center (Computer Lab and Viewing Room included). REMEMBER! Computer games, online shopping and non-academic websites are prohibited. No ipods, phones or electronic devices in the Media Center.
~ BORROWING PROCEDURE ~ ============================= Your student number (located on your school ID card or class schedule) is used to borrow books. Books are checked out and checked in using Destiny, our electronic card catalog, at the Circulation Desk. Each book is assigned a unique barcode number for identification. Borrowing Periods: Books- 3 weeks Periodicals/ Newspapers- Do not circulate Reference Books- Do not circulate All books may be renewed for a period of 3 weeks.
~ OVERDUES AND FINES ~ =========================== Five cents ( $.05 ) per book, for each day a book is late. Overdue notices are sent to your Language Arts teacher. Books are expected to be returned to the Media Center and fines paid once an overdue notice is sent. A list of students who have long overdue books and fines will be sent to the Middle School Principal. Loss of library privileges may occur. REMEMBER TO CHECK THE DUE DATE ! YOU CAN ALWAYS RENEW! Students will be charged the replacement price for a lost book. If the book is found at a later date, the student will be reimbursed.
~~ RESOURCES ~~ ============================= BOOKS Non-Fiction/Oversize- located on the HS side in the stack areas MS Fiction- located on the side wall of the MS side MS Biography- located on the MS side in the shorter stacks Story Collection- located on the MS side adjacent to MS Fiction Reference- located on the side wall and corner of the HS side HS Fiction- located on the side wall of the HS, adjacent to Reference HS Biography- located on the MS side in the shorter stacks If you forget, look at the shelf header labels for direction
~~ RESOURCES ~~ ============================= NEWSPAPERS Located on the counter in the sitting area New York Times, Bergen Record, and the Glen Rock Gazette Remember: Newspapers do not circulate! Read in the Media Center only! MICROFILM Located in the rear of the Media Center in file cabinets. Microfilm viewer is available in the production area. COPY MACHINE Located in the MS side of the Media Center $.10 per copy Each machine accepts coins and bills