Harrison College Bookstore Student Ordering Procedures
When your classes have been scheduled and the Online Bookstore is open to begin processing orders; you will receive an indicating your online shopping cart has populated with your course materials. If this is your first time ordering, you will receive a separate with a temporary password. You can also reset your password. Note: Anytime a new item is loaded to your cart, you will receive this same .
If this is your first time ordering, you will receive a separate with a temporary password. Note: In your student , which is through Google, both the with the temporary password and with the login website will appear to come through in one line but there are two separate s so be sure to scroll further down to view both s.
After clicking the link, you will be brought to this page. Click the purple “Click Here” button located in the center of the page. This will bring you to the login page where you can input your Harrison and your temporary password that was ed to you.
IF THIS IS YOUR FIRST TIME LOGGING IN: You will have to set your password, choose a security question and provide an answer. Once you have completed these fields, click Submit to proceed to your ordering screen.
The pending items in your shopping cart will be listed on the next screen. All required course materials will automatically be checked for you. Information about the course materials and perspective delivery information will appear to the right of the product. This is where you would see a note if an item is on backorder as well.
Let’s examine the options with ebooks a little closer Note that the eBook is already selected for you but that you have another option called “Print-on-Demand” Print-on-Demand (POD) is an option to have your ebook printed and soft cover bound for you. It will cost the extra amount shown (plus shipping). Prices vary but are typically between $ You will still receive the ebook and your POD will be shipped in 3-5 business days after it’s printed. If you select the POD, you will be responsible for paying the amount shown as well as shipping at the time of checking out. If you choose not to order a POD, then leave your selection as-is and proceed forward.
When you are ready click on Continue.
Verify the items added to your cart and then click Proceed to Checkout. You can also click Continue Shopping to return to your pending items screen.
Confirm your shipping and billing address to ensure your course materials are delivered to the accurate location. Click Continue when your information is inputted. Note: If you would like the item shipped to a P.O. Box, it will charge for shipping.
Select the Shipping Method and click Continue. You can select upgraded shipping but you will be responsible for payment at time of checkout.
Use the Review and Place Order Screen to check that the shipping address, shipping method and course materials are accurate. Notice how your shipments breakout into different shipments. Physical textbooks are in one shipment, ebooks are included in another shipment and if you order a POD that will also be in a separate shipment. Important: Scroll all the way to the bottom of the page and click Place Order. If you close the window without clicking Place Order your order will not be filled.
It is recommended that you print the order confirmation page for your records.
You will receive an that contains your order information. This will confirm that you did indeed place your order.
You will also receive an when your books ship. We’ve highlighted a few things to look for on here. If you ordered physical books-your tracking number will be here. Shipping Address will be here. This area shows what items are shipping. Note: If there is a 0 then that item is on backorder and will not be with this shipment.
If your course materials include an ebook, you will receive an from “do_no_reply” with information on how to log into your VitalSource account to view your ebook(s). Your will provide you with a temporary password that you will want to change after your initial log-in.