Exploration Why did European countries begin to explore the New World?
New Trade Routes European countries (besides Italy) wanted to find a new route to Asia. Wanted to trade directly with Asia and cut out the middle-man (Muslim Turks and Italians) In 1507, the Portuguese blocked the Straight of Hormuz and the route around Africa
Arms Race in Europe Advances in ship-building technology and navigation…but why? –Advances in military technology, in the 1400s European rulers began to commission bigger guns and learned how to mount them to ships. –Incessant warfare in the 1400s
New forms of social technology Bureaucracy Double-entry bookkeeping Mechanical Printing (spread of ideas and information about sailing and exploration).
New Ideology Ammassing wealth and dominating other peoples was now positively valued: –“Gold, God, and Glory”
European Christianity The Requirement and the belief that they were responsible for spreading Christianity to the New World. In 1492, Spain also expelled its Jews and Muslims from their country.
European Explorers Who were these guys?
Who is this a picture of?
Christopher Columbus Italian captain, sailed for Spain. Took 3 ships, the Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria in search of Asia in August First journey he landed in the Bahamas or Haiti, he met the natives and claimed the land for Spain, and called it San Salvador.
Columbus’ Voyages He made 3 more trips after his initial voyage. He was no longer just an explorer, but an Empire builder. The Spanish intended on turning these Caribbean Islands into colonies.
Portuguese Explorers Prince Henry the Navigator: Began exploring North Africa in –Founded a navigation school in 1419 –By 1460, Portugal was exploring up and down the coast of West Africa and setting up trading posts.
Bartolomeu Dias Reached the “tip of Africa” in 1488 Ship was hit by a storm and blown off course around the “tip” to the east coast of Africa
Vasco Da Gama In 1497 reached the east coast of Africa 1498 reached Calicut, India. –Found a “direct” route to India –Traded goods= $$$$$$$$ –Portugal was the new leader in exploration and in trade with Asia
Exploration Other nations soon followed Portugal’s lead in exploration: –Spain –England –France –Netherlands (Dutch)
Other Explorers Magellan: Portuguese sailor found a route around the Americas to Asia, his crew made it all the way around the world. Cabot: British captain who sailed to Newfoundland in 1497 and spawned British exploration of the New World.
Magellan’s route
Cabot’s Voyage
Spanish Conquests in Mexico Conquistadors: –Hernando Cortes arrives in 1519 and learns of vast wealth in the region. Conquers the Aztec Empire with the help of 600 soldiers in –Francisco Pizarro conquered the Incan Empire in 1532