BASIC COREEXPANDED CORE Points 1) Has acceptable thesis (Addresses comparison of the issues or themes specified) 1Expands beyond basic core of 1-7. The basic score of 7 must be achieved before a student can earn expanded core points. Examples: Has a clear, analytical, and comprehensive thesis. Addresses all parts of the question thoroughly (as relevant): comparisons, chronology, causation, connections, themes, interactions, content Provides ample historical evidence to substantiate thesis Relates comparisons to larger global context Makes several direct comparisons consistently between or among societies Consistently analyzes the causes and effects of relevant similarities and differences 0-2 2) Addresses all parts of the question, though not necessarily evenly or thoroughly. (Addresses most parts of the question: for example, deals with differences but not similarities.) 2 (1) 3) Substantiates thesis with appropriate historical evidence. (Partially substantiates thesis with appropriate historical evidence.) 2 (1) 4) Makes at least one relevant, direct comparison between/among societies. 1 5) Analyzes at least one reason for a similarity or difference identified in a direct comparison. 1 Subtotal6 2 TOTAL9
Comparative Essay Thesis Restate the question as an answer; include all key phrases. Address each part of the question with a statement and evidence. Include both similarities and differences. Make the transition to the body of the essay with a sentence like, “To better understand the similarities and differences between these three societies…” The Comparative essay typically involves how two societies responded to a major theme or event. The major themes tested on the AP World History Exam comparative essay include the following: How different societies responded to each other, other societies, or events How different societies changed – or didn’t – in response to some event How different societies developed How different societies responded to new technologies or new ideas
AP World History exam directions: Directions: You are to answer the following question. You should spend 5 minutes organizing or outlining your essay. Write an essay that: Has a relevant thesis and supports that thesis with appropriate historical evidence Addresses all parts of the question Makes direct, relevant comparisons What does this mean? Write a thesis that makes your major points of comparison. Support your thesis with historical evidence. Answer all parts of the question. Make at least two direct relevant comparisons of the given societies. Include both similarities and differences (You lose core points if you don’t).
DBQ STEPS 1. Evaluate the question. 2.Graphic Organizer based on the question. 1.Outside Information 2.Document Placement? 2. Work the Documents 1. Go back to graphic organizer and add info/ place docs/ or categorize docs = PES? 3.Thesis 4.Outline 5.Just add grammar!
STEP 1 = Evaluate the question. What IS the question asking me????? directive What is the directive? Analyze Analyze the differences and similarities between the collapse of both the Roman and Aztec Empires.Use the following areas: Domestic Foreign Social
Topic Step 1: What is the Topic? Political Economic Social Step 2: Put in the form of a question.
Step 1: Put in the form of a question What were the differences and similarities between the Roman and Aztec Empires collapse?
time period Step 1: The exact time period Roman World and the Aztec World Analyze the differences and similarities between the Roman World and the Aztec World in terms of TWO of the following: Domestic (Political Affairs) Foreign (Invaders) Social WHEN? 400 – 500 C.E. and 1500 – 1530 C.E.
Step :2 Brainstorm ALL facts Domestic/ Political ForeignSocial Roman Aztec
Step 2 Brainstorm and list all facts that can possibly be used in the essay. You may decide not to use all the facts in the list, but it is better to have too many facts than not enough. Organize your facts, paying close attention to their significance. Remember, using significant, relevant facts will move an essay from a 2-4 to a 5- 7.
Step 3: Thesis Your thesis is the ANSWER to the question you posed AND the thesis must also include WHY that is the answer.
Thesis The thesis of your essay will be the answer to the question you have constructed. It can be more than one sentence, AND it must include WHY that is the answer to the question. Your answer (thesis) should take into account all sides of the issue. Stronger essays show analysis of the issue from different perspectives. Remember, every single sentence of your essay should support your thesis.
Organize Your Thoughts Outline Pseudo Outline Number and letter your Graphic organizer and Docs
Outline Thesis Statement: Introduction Includes your thesis. Your thesis for historical writing does not need to be one sentence. You may take the paragraph if you wish. First Topic Sentence Evidence 1 ( Supporting Sentences) Evidence 2 Evidence 3 Evidence 4 First Topic Sentence Evidence 1 ( Supporting Sentences) Evidence 2 Evidence 3 Evidence 4 First Topic Sentence Evidence 1 ( Supporting Sentences) Evidence 2 Evidence 3 Evidence 4 Conclusion Refer back to your thesis Sum up your essay.
Just Add Grammar