Storage Iteration 05 AstroGrid Consortium M Hill, 27/4/2004
It05 Changes Introduced ‘ Stores ’ Introduced VO-Resolving IVO RNs Identified problems to be passed to VO Streaming uploads/downloads
Storage? Vocabulary Includes MySpace Includes ‘ VoSpace ’ = Registry resolvable MySpace Includes local file store (not registry resolvable, MySpace) Blackboard …
Resource Names & Locators IVORNS IVO Resource Names Registry resolvable keys AGSLs (Temporary) AstroGrid Store Locators Locators – eg URLs, MSRLs Account IVORNs
Real soon Situation Deployable Deployed ROE Same API to MySpace/Filespace/FTPs/etc VO/Registry resolved access to an individual ’ s storage space
It06 Plan Fix file navigation bug … Discuss reverse IVORN resolving Workaround: Target & Source Indicators Stop. Handover to Registry/Community Resource discovery Secure access